View Full Version : Semi facial migrane-saw ENT today.

27-08-08, 13:26
I saw the ENT today, had nose, ears etc.. all checked. Said no need for CT scan, had one done 2 years ago which was fine. He said he doesn't think I have sinusitis as I would have green snot coming from my nose which I never have but I always get facial pain and congestion feeling, it swaps sides every few days, so uncomfortable.

He said its semi facial migrane?? he said I fit all the symptoms but why do I feel like I have sinus pain?? today ive had nasal pain and congestion and cheek pain on my right, yesterday it was on my left, very strange but he said thats what it is so I have to believe him.

Has anyone else had this?

27-08-08, 17:07
I've had this Libby but in truth I have also put it down to my sinuses being blocked as I constantly seem to be blocked up. As well as the pain I've had tightness in the cheeks which I put down to anxiety so maybe it's a mixture of the two- it's so hard to seperate the anxiety symptoms from anything else.

I've never heard of that term before but it seems to describe it well. Another area I have problems with is my neck and back. Sometimes I also think that this contributes to the facial pain and/or tightness too.

All the best


27-08-08, 19:43

I still feel congested when I bend forward but he seems to think its all this semi facial migraine so I have to accept it and move on. I have tightness in my neck and shoulders all of the time.

30-08-08, 15:12
Has anyone else had semi facial migraine or have any info on it? I have tried looking online but found nothing really.

30-08-08, 20:59
Are u sure u do not have TMD??

30-08-08, 21:58

30-08-08, 22:03
No TMD which is TM Disorder. TMJ is what the Jaw area is called. TMD is when is a disorder.

30-08-08, 22:04
temporomandibular joint = TMJ

31-08-08, 08:06
I had a bout of TMJ a couple of years ago, I couldn't open my mouth hardly, it was very painful. My GP does think its something like that.

31-08-08, 08:50
Hey Libby

Glad things went well at the ENT.

I get pressure/pain around my right eye, cheek and temple, worse when lying down, leaning forward etc. I also have a ton of post-nasal drip going on most of the time. But in some ways I'm lucky because I know mine started with sinusitis and it just hasn't gone away after two months. So I am (mostly) reassured that it is just a sinus thing. In all the time that I've had this I've never had the green snot, fever etc that is associated with bacterial sinusitis, just clear post-nasal drip.

I've not heard of a semi facial migraine... a Google search doesn't produce much either. But the good news is that the ENT didn't think you had anything serious.:)

31-08-08, 14:17

I m struggling and have been struggling since Dec with this. Pain in face, pain behind ears, forehead pain, top of nose pain, nose pain :( Seen ENT who said it was nothing, seen neurologist who said it was nothing, had scans, but I am still left with this pain which I am finding hard to bear

31-08-08, 21:49
Thank you both.

I am kind of worried I have been fobbed off coz I can't find any info either, lol!

I have had a ct scan 2 yrs ago but the pain is worse in the last year. Its like now I am sitting at my laptop, I am abit warm and stuffy, right nostril has got abit stuffed up and ive some sinus pain on that side now. I get it alot if I get warm esp when on the laptop, how odd, lol!

Yes the ENT did say to me that its not bacterial unless I have green snot and a temperature?

31-08-08, 22:45
I am going to see my dentist in the morning. Hope he can sort me out. xx

01-09-08, 12:05
I am due the dentist too, hate going but I am good and go every year now;-)

Today I have a horrible shooting pain down the side of my right temple area, horrible. Stress probably, lol!