View Full Version : A sad realisation - Vent warning

27-08-08, 13:35
I haven't posted here for a while, generally because I've been feeling pretty good. However, as of late, I think that I am beginning to slip back a bit.

I've realised that one of the best ways to deal with my health anxiety (currently being scared about not being able to take enough air in and chest tightness) is being able to accept it and distractions. However, in coming to that conclusion, I also realised that my life is somewhat dull and monotonous, wake up, go to work, go back home, etc. So how can I distract my self? I don't really do much on the weekends either. Sometimes I do go out and have some fun but those times are far between and usually feel a bit overdone. I just feel this pressure, like I have to be doing something constantly and trying to meet people. But when I do, I have this really high expectation and am so careful for everyone to like me that in the end I am usually disappointed.

It's sort of like a cycle, I know that I MUST distract my self. But then, with all this pressure, when I do find something to do, I end up overdoing it. I end up "checking in" with my self; "Am I distracted now? Am I feeling good?", etc. For some reason, I also tend to wish that the particular event be over even before it begins. I just can't seem to enjoy myself because I keep checking with myself if I am OK or if I am saying all the right things. Then, I end up being disappointed.

Generally, I find day to day life to be struggle. I feel like I have to make my self do everything. Nothing comes naturally and really do not think that life is supposed to be a constant struggle. I have had moments when I feel that life is a breeze and I don't really have to exert myself to make the right decisions or find something to do so I am distracted. Then I forget all about my health anxiety and even if I do remember, generally I can make those thoughts go away pretty easily. The problem is that 95% of the time, I don't feel this way.

I am really happy for people who seem to be enjoying life but at the same time it makes me feel extremely sorry for myself and puts a lot of pressure on me to be like them, to enjoy life. I keep asking myself; "What makes them different","Why can't I enjoy life like they do"?

It's sad really, I feel trapped in a cycle. It basically comes down to this: My life is pretty dull, resulting in my health anxiety (which, ironically, is just a very bad distraction from my dull life) and I MUST do something about it. But the pressure of needing to "do stuff" is almost too much, resulting in health anxiety and depression.

27-08-08, 13:58
Hello there

I was really amazed to read your thread today because just a couple of hours ago I was posting a thread very similar to yours.

At the moment I feel exactly like you do and the feeling of 'checking in with myself' is an everyday occurance with me I can go maybe an hour or two and then all of sudden I suddenly feel myself thinking 'Am I ok??'

At the moment I feel like giving in and just going to bed and hiding under the covers and never leaving my room. I have planned a night out this weekend to try and have something to look forward to and to try and take my mind off these feelings but at the moment it isnt working.

I needed to reply to your thread because on reading it, it has made me feel alittle bit better that someone is going through the same as me.

So I just wanted to share with you my feelings and fears and hopefully you can relate and it may make you feel as though you are not alone and that is because you not.

Take Care Becky xx

27-08-08, 14:35
Thanks Becky! It is definitely good to know that you are not alone!
A part of my problem is that often times I wish that the event which I hope would distract me, a concert let's say, is already over before it even begins. In essence I sort of sabotage my self. I guess the best way to describe it is wanting to get to a certain place without having to walk there. Really strange and unsettling feeling, it can take the joy out of pretty much anything.

Like you said, today I also feel like curling up in bed and not doing anything. Sometimes I've done just that. However, more often than not, I've found that it makes me feel even worse because I haven't done anything and have closed into myself even more.

It's a vicious cycle, which my health anxiety is feeding on. I just want to find a way to break it once and for all.