View Full Version : At the moment I can't think straight at all

27-08-08, 13:37
First of all, apologies if this post rambles and doesn't make much sense at all. I've always had some problems with panic attacks etc but now I'm suffering with the worst anxiety I've ever had. In July I realised I'd missed 2 regular smear tests and became obsessed with the idea I've got cervical cancer. I did go & spoke to a very reassuring nurse who put my mind at rest - for about 3 days. Then I heard half of an article on Women's House which, after I'd looked up symptoms on NHS Direct, convinced me I'd got oral cancer. Luckily my dentist saw me quickly & again, reassured me - she couldn't even see the lump I thought was there. But since then I've become convinced I'd got colon and ovarian cancer. I cannot stop myself from looking cancers up on NHS Direct & finding my small symptoms on almiost everyone. I'm still waiting for the results of my smear test but all the time my mind whirls round & round with no rest. And just now I've received such a sad letter from the husband of a old work colleague - she has just passed away from colon cancer. I've got an appt with my doctor to see if he can both reassure me & perhaps refer me for CBT or other therapy. Just writing all this down has calmed me a bit - as has finding out I'm not alone. I don't get panicy about heart trouble, MS etc - just cancer. Has anyone else got a cancer fixation?:weep:

27-08-08, 13:46
hii, your panicking is normal. i do sometimes have a fear of something being cancer but mine is mostly panic of a brain tumor or just being ill in general its all the lovely anxiety.but too be honest if you stop looking up your symptoms all the time this would help as i use to always google my symptoms and it just makes it ten times worse hun. im sure all your tests will be fine. just try to distract your mind xxxx take care xxx:yesyes:

27-08-08, 14:13
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


27-08-08, 15:32
Hello And Welcome To The Site , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

27-08-08, 16:12
thanks so much for your lovely supportive messages. Just writing things down seemed to put the anx in a bit more perspective & to get helpful & understanding answers helps a whole lots more. I'm just off to the doctor's - fingers crossed!:whistles:

27-08-08, 17:37
Hi and welcome along to NMP
Pooh x

27-08-08, 18:00

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many nice people on here who will offer you good advice and support.

Take care


28-08-08, 19:08
Hi Agingwuss

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.

29-08-08, 12:22
Hi all you lovely people! Can't show how much all your acceptance & welcomes mean to me! :roflmao:
Went to see the doctor & found my old one has left [to work in Africa] but the new one was so supportive & understanding. He managed to put most of my fears at rest [they've come back today but he warned me they probably would] and he's referred me for CBT which I hope won't take too long to start. Things aren't perfect by any means but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks so much for your help & support - you're all wonderful!:)

milly jones
01-09-08, 22:03
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: