View Full Version : clicking/dizziness

27-08-08, 13:56
doies anyone get a weird clicking noise when they swallow? is this due to tension in my jaw? also have pain along one side of my neck its really freaking me out and the dizziness has come back real bad... can someone help please"

27-08-08, 14:21

Is the clicking in your ears when you swallow? It could be because of blocked ears which may also explain the dizziness. Your neck may hurt because of swollen glands if you have an infection or simply due to tension.

I have had dizzy spells and pain in my ear and jaw for months. It really freaks me out sometimes but I am thinking now that it may be TMJ. I also have tinnitus.

Take care

27-08-08, 18:35
hi i allso have this doc says its stress