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jacqui doll
27-08-08, 14:19

it has been four days since my major attack and i feel as though i am still in a bit of a dream world. The crisis team are calling out with me everyday and hubby is still off work to help me and the kids. My feelings are all over the place. It breaks my heart to think i will never be normal again. We have decided to go ahead with our holiday on Saturday and everybody thinks it will be good. I hate feeling this low, and i am scared for my kids and hubby. The little things take so much out of me. When i come back from holiday i hope to start my cbt again and fingers crossed it will help me. My mental problems seem to be getting longer. PTS, potnal depression, panic attacks and now aniexty. It has been suggested that i try yoga. i was wondering if anybody else has tried it and if they found it of any benefit. xx