View Full Version : anxiety will not win

ben couch
27-08-08, 17:08
hi guys.
my name is ben , i have suffered with panic/anxiety disorder for nearly two years. it is weird because before all the fears of death and the nights of not sleeping because of the fear of a heart attack , i was perfectly fit and normal! i never had trouble getting out of bed , used to love the thought of going to work or going out on the pop.now it seems is is a task going out and going to work.do u ever wonder why it is happenning to me/what have i done to deserve this?im sure we all do every day. but i have decided enough is enough , we only get 80 years if we are lucky, this will not destroy me anymore.im to good for this. my symptons are dizzyness , racing heart , pains in my left arm with pins and needles. hence why we think we are going to have a heart attack. severe headaches , but mostly strange shooting pains in my head , makes us think we have a brain tumour,but guess what , we haven't. how wonderful anxiety is! b*****s to it all , although i havent shifted it i have learnt to deal with it.but i dont want to just deal with it, i want it gone.gone fot good.will be soon,im determined.will keep this updated. apparantly the charles lindum method is worth the money.will let you know. anyone feeling lonely and whats to reply , please do.i would love to try and help in anyways.

chin up guys

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27-08-08, 17:36
HI and welcome to NMP

Pooh x

27-08-08, 17:57
Hi Ben

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here. I have tried the Lindon method but have to say that Dr. Claire Weeks books work better for me and they don't cost as much. Good luck with whatever you go with.


27-08-08, 22:39
Welcome Ben

Having read your message I am with you 100%. I have only been suffering since May and I have also had enough and don't understand why this has happened to me.

Like you I have had enough and will not let this get me down or even beat me. This site is sooo good because you realise that you are not on your own and are not going mad.

We will beat this!!


Veronica H
28-08-08, 09:54
Hi Ben
I have made great progress in the past 2 months thanks to Dr Weekes. With your determination to fight I think you would too. Try it and let me know. The book is 'Self-Help for your Nerves', published by Thorsons ISBN-978-0-7225-3155-6 and it will only cost you £7.99. You can download Dr Weekes on to your IPod through a previous post on this site too. Please read previous posts about the Linden method before you decide to invest your money.
Best wishes Ben
Veronica H

28-08-08, 10:40
hey. i got the free dvd and information from the charles linden method i am gunna watch the dvd and then if its good im gunna get the full package... i shall let u know xxx take care xx

28-08-08, 15:13
Hello Ben And Welcome , Sounds Like Your Doing A Good Job, Stay Positive , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

28-08-08, 15:31
hiya Ben ....welcome 2 no more panic ....well done on being strong and continuing 2 get better ...I have anxiety and panic disorder which has led 2 agoraphobia ...I find it hard as I know what I have 2 do 2 accept my anxiety but its so tough putting it in 2 practice .

I wish u well

28-08-08, 16:54
:welcome:Hi Ben xx

28-08-08, 19:01
Hi Ben

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.

Before you spend any money on miracle cures have a read of the website pages on the left and the free informational downloads on the NMP shop - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop)