View Full Version : Aches and stabbing pains

27-08-08, 19:13
I know there has been a lot of write ups lately on aches and pains etc. At the moment im worried about MND. Can you please answer my poll to help me realise, my symptoms are anxiety.

My arms and legs aches, my joints ache and I keep getting stabbing/shooting pains in my hands and legs. Im not sure if you get stabbing pains with MND? Or if it is normal to get shooting pains, when your body is tense?

thank you all.

Question is do you get shooting and/or stabbing pains in your hands and legs, with aching joints and muscles

Captain America
28-08-08, 00:43
i get this. sometimes it hurts to push on areas and sometimes it doesn't. sometimes i'll just be sitting there and i'll get a shooting or stabbing pain anywhere....stomach, arm, leg, back...oh, just anywhere! the cause i'm told is because of muscles that i don't even realize i'm tensing. then when you relax, bammo! i don't believe it of course, i just figure i'm getting arthritic or something worse.

anxiety is soooo dumb. how could it not know i don't have ms or something???? i keep telling it that, but it doesn't listen.

28-08-08, 15:59
I get aching muslces and sometimes joints quiet often. My knee hurts right now. As for stabbing and shooting pains, I get those alomost 10xs a day in different parts of my body, including my arms and legs.

I also get twitching. So oh boy... twitching body parts, shooting pains, aching muscles...I'm a goner!!

04-09-08, 09:22

At the moment I have burning and aching in my joints in my hands and wrists. My forearms hurt as well and even the smallest of jobs make my muscles ache so much I can hardly stand to raise them. I too am really worried it's something more than just anxiety as I hadn't been feeling tense or panicky at all recently.

14-09-08, 14:16
Hello All,

I have the same issue with ache's and pains, my neck and back are the worst, I also have joint pain, I tence my muscles all the time and I do not know I am doing it, it has become a habit, most of the time I am not anxious when I am doing it. I am realy trying to making a point to relax my body.


25-09-08, 05:12
YES I just posted about this. I get shooting/pulsating pains all over my body,twitches and extreme joint cracking. ALL my tests are clear though lyme is in question. My dr said it could be stress..I just dont buy it. I even get woken up with pains. I get them in my toes, fingers, deep spine, ankles...It all seems to hit the same areas which is why I fear its not stress, I never get them in my arms for example. Also I get extreme muscle twitches non stop now....

What is MND

26-12-08, 02:22
HI there, I have had the twitches now for about 12 weeks.. My problem or fear now is the the tense muscles around my left shoulder and left lower back, also the weird feeling around my left knee. Having suffered from health anxiety after an episode in January with skin cancer, I have feared that the cancer had spread. It hasn't. I'm over that part now but with these latest symptoms only being on the left hand side my vulnerabilities now have me leaning towards neurological type diseases. Thus fueling my fears and anxiety again. Should I go to the Dr again abotu this. I was moving really well on a path to acceptance but this has dropped me right back into the fear loop again. I feel like I need to get clarification on this to let me move past it.
What I really want to know is can the anxiety make just one side of my body tense thus giving me the weird feelings down my left side only?

30-12-08, 10:18
Hi Everyone

I seem to suffer with aches and pains all the time, even when I think my anxiety is not bad! My legs ache constantly and it driving me nuts. From lower back,hips, groin, thighs and knees!! My arms ache too sometimes but off and on, my legs etc seem to ache all the time, which most of the time makes my anxiety worse even if I think Im doing ok.:huh:


30-12-08, 13:59
Hi Everyone

I seem to suffer with aches and pains all the time, even when I think my anxiety is not bad! My legs ache constantly and it driving me nuts. From lower back,hips, groin, thighs and knees!! My arms ache too sometimes but off and on, my legs etc seem to ache all the time, which most of the time makes my anxiety worse even if I think Im doing ok.:huh:


I have the same as you Annie, it aches all the time in my legs, mostly in my thighs.
My groins are achy also :weep:

31-12-08, 13:11
Hi Everyone

I seem to suffer with aches and pains all the time, even when I think my anxiety is not bad! My legs ache constantly and it driving me nuts. From lower back,hips, groin, thighs and knees!! My arms ache too sometimes but off and on, my legs etc seem to ache all the time, which most of the time makes my anxiety worse even if I think Im doing ok.:huh:

no need to type it in Annie did it for me:blush: I seem to have the exact same symptoms as this:weep:

10-02-09, 17:37
i get this very often in fact i woke up in the middle of the night last night 4 times with painful arms and legs. the tops of my arms seem to really hurt which then makes them go weak. also i get the sore areas on my head that hurt to touch. anyone else with this?

09-03-09, 10:24
I really hate this one. I am also the same - aches and pains all the time both muscles and joint, in different areas many times each day. My arms\hands are the worst affected now and I am analysing my joints all the time thinking that I have Rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or some other insidious disease. I really hate being this way as even when I am feeling OK - not anxious or anything the aches\pains are still there which make me think that something else is going on and that the doctors have missed something. I just want to feel that everything is OK and I always have this feeling that something bad is going to happen to me. Can anyone relate?

09-03-09, 10:35
I really hate this one. I am also the same - aches and pains all the time both muscles and joint, in different areas many times each day. My arms\hands are the worst affected now and I am analysing my joints all the time thinking that I have Rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or some other insidious disease. I really hate being this way as even when I am feeling OK - not anxious or anything the aches\pains are still there which make me think that something else is going on and that the doctors have missed something. I just want to feel that everything is OK and I always have this feeling that something bad is going to happen to me. Can anyone relate?
yes yes yes i can relate to your post - it feels that i am living in fear all the time - as soon as i have a good reason for one ache or pain (usualy after yet another visit to the doctor, soooo embarrassing) another ache or pain takes its place - i am in such a state of anxiety at the moment I DO NOT want to go to the doctor - i was only there on thursday but i have this 'odd' pain that comes and goes very sharp!!pain. another poster assures me it is a 'gas' pain but i feel so frightened it might be worse.
I also know that logically I AM making the problem worse by worrying!!!
so unhappy

09-03-09, 10:47
OMG - why can't we just move on. I am the same with the doctors - need to go tomorrow to x-ray my hands. Am so embarrassed because it feels like I am always there and getting tests done for the hell of it. Am so embarrassed even going to the imaging place because have been there so many times. I hate it but I don't want to think it is in my head, because what if it isn't ??????? When will this stop :unsure:

09-03-09, 11:21
WHAT IF ?????

There lies our problem
You could say "I have a tummy ache"
Most people would say "fine" and get on with their day.
"i have a tummy ache OMG what if????? It could be......... and then we start to worry!!!!!
And there is our viscious circle for the day.
Because of our worrying we add more pains and aches because of the tension we have created in our bodies.
GREAT that should be me sorted then - no chance i can not make myself calm enough to believe any of that.
The OMG what if ===is there like a red rag to a bull and it is charging through me non stop.

09-03-09, 12:17
I really hate this one. I am also the same - aches and pains all the time both muscles and joint, in different areas many times each day. My arms\hands are the worst affected now and I am analysing my joints all the time thinking that I have Rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or some other insidious disease. I really hate being this way as even when I am feeling OK - not anxious or anything the aches\pains are still there which make me think that something else is going on and that the doctors have missed something. I just want to feel that everything is OK and I always have this feeling that something bad is going to happen to me. Can anyone relate?

I feel the same.. I wonder if my doctor has missed something!

I get weird sharp pains that feel oddly cold(!??) in my left wrist.. never the right (although Im sure I will now Ive mentioned it!).. On Saturday I woke up in pain from my legs aching and my left arm aching/hurting, I had walked around a shop for a bit with a few bits and peices held in one arm.. but I woke thinking, well surely because I didnt walk that far and I wasnt holding that much shopping I shouldnt be in this much pain, esp as I used to work f/t and use to be on my feet all day, so for this to wake me/keep me awake isnt right.. so I went into worry/what if mode!:huh:

I had an endoscopy last year (June) to find out the cause of my stomach pains, he found nothing.. now I wonder if he missed something/if something has developed further, as I get quite bad stomach pains still.. so Im thinking Im got an ulcer, pancreatitis, a blockage.. allsorts!!

09-03-09, 12:23
WHAT IF ?????

There lies our problem
You could say "I have a tummy ache"
Most people would say "fine" and get on with their day.
"i have a tummy ache OMG what if????? It could be......... and then we start to worry!!!!!
And there is our viscious circle for the day.
Because of our worrying we add more pains and aches because of the tension we have created in our bodies.

My tummy pains are quite bad June.
Mostly its like Ive been punched/kicked in the stomach, thats pretty much on a daily basis.
But if I miss a meal due to running behind or just being too nervous to eat, then the pains get even worse and then radiate into my back making my back stiffer/joint pains worse.. so then I think well thats not right, not to get really bad stomach pains and also back pains.. so then I start thinking allsorts, what if Ive got this or that...:weep:
Ive no idea how to make it stop!

Nikki xx.

09-03-09, 14:29
I found this site this morning - it has some good advice on foods that cause 'Gas' (wind) pains. When i read something like this i miss out the real serious causes because i do not want to think about them.
I want to know about the non serious gas / bloating etc that causes these awful problems in our tum.
I have to admit that i resorted to ONE teaspoon of Gaviscon at midday and i have belched (so sorry) quite a bit since then.
Also reading your posts and realising that i am not alone with this problem realy does help.
There is another post this morning about who do you confide in or not about your anxiety problem?????? well - my answer is YOU the people on this site. - if i had not got you to talk to i would have gone mad by now.
when i post and do not get an answer i admit i get very upset - it is the feeling that no one cares.
Why can i not master my own mind? the impossible question.....

10-06-09, 13:44
i get them in my legs,feet,arms,hands,shoulders and neck,but mostly the left side of my body,they arent too bad at night

18-07-09, 16:30
yes i get them consent in my groin and back,, its hard to believe its just nerves,,,, your mind tells you its something worse and we believe it:hugs: