View Full Version : Temptation

15-05-05, 21:43
Hi all.

I am doing so well with my anxiety etc. Plus I havent looked any symptoms up on the internet. I am about to go in to an attack, as I have noticed that I have a few ( well 4 ) red blotchys on my legs. They seem perfectly round, flat and not itchy. My husband cut the grass yesterday and I went for a walk over the field tonight with the dog. Also, for the past 10 days roughly, I have been using various essential oils in my bath.

Straight away I felt I was going to go into panic as these blotchys are
serious, they wont just appear and then go away for no reason. My mind is racing now and Im fighting the urge to look it up on the internet. Which is why Im posting this, to help me fight the internet obsession. I now feel like im itching everywhere, waiting for my body to become covered in blotchys.

Does anyone have any ideas for me? Im starting to babble now, thanks for reading this and I hope it makes sense

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

15-05-05, 21:49
Ok so it could be the cut grass then? That is most likely. I get itchy when I have been sat on the grass in the garden.

Have you got any anti-histamines in the house - I take them when I get itchy and it really helps to ease the itching.

You will be fine and I am sure they will go as soon as they appeared.

Try to remain calm about it ok?


15-05-05, 21:50
Hi Emma

Hey try not to worry ok, I am sure its not serious, and it will go away.
I have done this before too, freak out at the sight of a spot, this is pure hypocondria.
Could be sensitivity/allergy to grass, many get that .
You ll be fine.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

15-05-05, 21:56
Dab them with Lavender oil / tea tree oil and that'll reduce any inflammation.

Made me smile thats the spots are not itchy but you're itching all over in anticipation.

For what its worth, most illnesses start on the torso and moves out to the peripheries not the other way round...


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-05-05, 22:00
Thanks for the replies. Ive calmed down a bit now.

Yeah I suppose that is funny Meg, itching everywhere but not the spots[Duh!]:D

There is nothing on my torso at all. So im going to do my deep breathing and hopefully sleep.

Take care all

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

15-05-05, 22:02

Glad you feel a bit calmer.
Take care :)


**Don't believe everything you think .**

15-05-05, 22:10
Hi Emma

Pleased you feel a bit better. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight.

Take care hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-05-05, 22:52
hi emma,
glad you're feeling better! sounds a lot like my boyfriend who is allergic to everything and is always coming up in a rash (and always feels itchy even when his skin is perfectly clear!) he finds that antihistamines sometimes do the trick...
hope you have a good sleep tonight,

16-05-05, 06:26
Hi Emma,
Hope you feel a bit better this morning.

I will PM you later.

Take care,

16-05-05, 08:30
Hi Emma

Hope you managed to get some sleep and you are feeling a bit brighter today.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-05-05, 10:38
Hope you're feeling better today Emma!! :D

16-05-05, 18:20
Hi Emma Jane,
just wanted to say that for the past few months i have had problems with my skin. I often get itchy skin with no sign of anything or little lumps appear on my arms for no apparent reason and my skin sometimes goes red. I had never really put this down to anxiety before but i guess this anxiety seems to be able to cause numerous afflictions! I just use E45 cream and they do a special itch cream too although it sounds as if maybe you were just itching because you were thinking about the blotches. Just to try to reassure you that it is probably just one of these little things that happens sometimes and will probably disappear in the way it came and you will just not notice it anymore.
I hope you are feeling a little more positive- and well done for not looking on the internet as i have scared myself witless on many occasions by doing that! Although my method is the trusty medical book! lol
Take care
Love Em xxx

17-05-05, 01:02
Been there and got the shirt on that one :D

Have you tried hydrocortisone cream?

I normally find that does the trick. Whenever I am stressed my hands always seem to go silly.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'