View Full Version : Just started

27-08-08, 21:47
Hi just started taking the tablets, first day today and have been reading all the comments on here and am now really nervous about the side effects don't know waht to expect and am a little nervous. How soon do they usually start?:shrug: xx

28-08-08, 19:51
Hi Emma...I started taking Citalopram only yesterday and I was absolutely mortified after reading some experiences, but I took one in the evening (expecting all hell to break loose) and I was absolutely fine. Just relaxed and do what I usually do of an evening.

Woke up this morning with a really dry mouth but generally felt a lot more optimistic than the previous day. I'm not saying the tablet kicked in straight away, maybe it was just me taking that initial step to improve my well-being that gave me a boost...but I'm not discounting it either, a bit of both maybe :)

I think generally the medication takes about 3-4 weeks to really start taking effect though, according to my doctor.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck, keep us posted on how you're doing :winks:

28-08-08, 20:47
I started this stuff yesterday as well at 20mg. I haven't had the nausea and dizziness that others have complained. But I am finding at this early stage it's certainly made me feel pretty odd. For me it's caused what I can best describe as a mental fuzz and agitation soon after taking the tablet. That's not a lot of fun, but eventually eases into a calmer state. That state lasted for until about midday and then the weird unpleasant agitation comes back. I took the tablet again about tea time and scenario seems to be repeating. I guess it horses for courses, but I guess the thing to do is not be alarmed if in the early stages you feel unpleasant on this stuff. It may not be easy, and I've got to admit I'm finding it a struggle wondering what the hell this stuff is doing to me. But I'm certainly relieved to have read these forums and find I'm not alone with how I feel my early reactions are going with it.

29-08-08, 19:40
3rd day and 3rd tablet. It's been mostly positive I think. Right now though I feel bloody awful. Suddenly very stressed, very cold, throat tight and feeling a bit sick. More than just the agitation. I've just been trying to put a cover on a duvet as well which in itself is a traumatic experience. If it goes to form it should level off and I'll get a calm high. It's only the first few days and I think on the whole it has lifted some anxiety and unhappiness. But it does make me feel all over the place at times. Anyone want to PM or say hello feel free because I could really do with something to take my mind of it.

Emma and loulou, if youre still following the thread how is it working out?

29-08-08, 20:10
Hi jj...so far I've mostly been fine, had a bit of an episode this afternoon where I experienced a sudden surge of anxiety from out of the blue which was a bit unpleasant, but now I seem to have calmed down.

I know what you mean about feeling cold, at certain times today it felt like I was sitting in a draught even though my flat is quite warm, and at other times I felt quite flushed. Last night in bed my feet and hands were baking hot, slightly uncomfortable.

After yesterday's positivity I feel a bit flat to be honest, just tired and a bit blank. Saying that I do generally feel a lot calmer as you mentioned, though I do find myself wondering what's around the corner.

Sorry to hear you're feeling so agitated, as I'm sure you know it will pass, we just need to ride out these bumps. PM if you like, I'll be more than happy to chat to you :)

30-08-08, 16:35
I'm so glad I found this forum. Today is my second day and second pill. I woke up this morning with a terrible sore throat. So far that's all I feel that's different.

02-09-08, 20:50

i've been on citalopram for 3 weeks (20mg).. i feel 100% better.. although, i'm so terribly tired and having terrible sweats and feeling sick.. i'm due an update wth the Dr tomorrow, i will keep you updated!

we can all do this together!