View Full Version : feel such an idiot

27-08-08, 22:21
went to docs today cause i was getting pains in my chest and back and convinced i was dying heart attack or something anyway it was neither i have trapped a nerve in my back between my shoulder blades and pulled a muscle in my shoulder feel such an idiot now but doc was very understanding thank go odness he was brilliant thank you all for your reassuring advice. u were right again

27-08-08, 22:24
You are definitely not an idiot. Just because you thought something else was wrong,that does not eliminate the fact there was indeed something wrong and you did need a doctor to look at it. Give yourself points for recognizing you needed to see a doctor and don't worry about the rest.

At least now, you know what is wrong and can treat the problems properly.

27-08-08, 22:54
It is better to be safe than sorry. There is no harm in checking things out. I am glad that you are ok!

28-08-08, 08:55
Not to worry. I had this back in June. Put up with it for 2 days then went to A and E, it got so bad I was having trouble breathing in without getting a sharp pain in my right shoulder blade. They gave me the full treatment.... jumped the queue and went to resus unit.......heart monitored for an hour.....blood test x2.........and a chest xray. All in all, nothing! Just a trapped nerve and muscle spasm. Yes, I did feel an idiot, but that's what doctors and hospitals are there for. After all, we don't know it's just a trapped nerve or whatever do we?


28-08-08, 08:59

your not a idiot we all worry overly about things from time to time .
it is best you went to get it looked at, i am the same today lots of pain in my back think i have slept funny grr trying not to panic about it and feel better after reading this post .

jodie xx