View Full Version : Emotionally at breaking point

27-08-08, 23:06
I feel on the verge of breaking point. I am stressed to the max and just feel all emotional. I had to work a ten hour shift at work today all day and night and just found out I have to work from 9 on a Sunday to a late 10pm. I only go just over 30 hours but feel sick. I never got a 5 minute break on my first shift either. I get mega stressed and annoyed working long hours and I hate it and dont wanna say as I have moaned enough as I refused over time.

I feel sick that I can't find a g.f and no dates and I nearly fell out with a pal the other night plus family life at home is a bit strained. I feel like I need a holiday but can't as I've nobody to go with since I'm single and pals aint up for it. I just don't know what to do but I need away. I just have no idea where my life is going and feel stale. I just feel upset all emotions under the sun and can't even talk to my pals about it.

Can anybody give me advice how can I relax when I have to work again tomorrow with the worst shifts next week possible? :weep:

27-08-08, 23:10
Hi Phill what is your job?

28-08-08, 00:27
I feel for you, phil. I really do. I had a string of horrible jobs when younger (restaurant and factory work). Long hours, low pay, really bad working conditions . . . so I know.

I read when you post about not having a gf and your friends aren't reliable as friends, etc.

Do you think that you could be your own friend for a little while -- at least until things begin to work out (they always do over time)? Do you have any hobbies that you can devote some of your time to? If you found a hobby interest, there are plenty of forums where you could talk to people from around the world that share your interest (and perhaps even find a few in your own area in the UK).

I know that its different for everyone, but I have found that if my mind is occupied with something interesting, it actually gives the mind a much needed rest.

I'm not talking about video games or wearing an iPod around, etc. I'm talking about real, out in the world interests that you can dig yourself into.

Just a few thoughts.

28-08-08, 01:17
Do you think that its not having a girlfriend and your mates all having one thats bothering you more than the work issue? Cause thats hard its interferes with your social life, not getting to spend as much time with your mates and like you said you don't have anyone to go on holiday with.

Perhaps you could use the long shifts at work to your advantage and talk to people that you don't usually talk to or arrange a work night out? Then you can meet new people who are available to go out with.

You should mention to your work about not getting your break, its not moaning!! They are legally obliged to give staff breaks

28-08-08, 01:25
You shouldnt feel bad about the work thing. As mentioned above, they are legally obliged to give staff breaks - something like 10 minutes every 4-6 hours worked. You are also under no obligation to work overtime. You are contracted to work so many hours per week and anything over that is your privilage, not their right.

That's the work issue, i'm not too good at the other stuff! I'm sure many others on here can advise you better than me!!


28-08-08, 01:35
Do you think that its not having a girlfriend and your mates all having one thats bothering you more than the work issue? Cause thats hard its interferes with your social life, not getting to spend as much time with your mates and like you said you don't have anyone to go on holiday with.

Perhaps you could use the long shifts at work to your advantage and talk to people that you don't usually talk to or arrange a work night out? Then you can meet new people who are available to go out with.

You should mention to your work about not getting your break, its not moaning!! They are legally obliged to give staff breaks

My mates are single but one could have one soon. I've just been single soo long and I can't stand it it causes me all sorts of anxiety too but the main thing is I am happy with a g.f, feel supported and know where I am going in the future and its a big positive for me.

Being single is the most depressing thing and it would not matter if I was rich I would still feel down and I just can't get a date even to make me feel better in the meantime tired all sorts even night clubs and dating sites.

You shouldnt feel bad about the work thing. As mentioned above, they are legally obliged to give staff breaks - something like 10 minutes every 4-6 hours worked. You are also under no obligation to work overtime. You are contracted to work so many hours per week and anything over that is your privilage, not their right.

That's the work issue, i'm not too good at the other stuff! I'm sure many others on here can advise you better than me!!


Thanks I did get one break but one it depends who i work with as the other person gives me double the time. :blush:

28-08-08, 01:39
I feel for you as well Phil. I know what its like feeling so stressed at work.
You need to make sure you get your breaks at work, you need them and you deserve them.
Have you ever thought about one of those club 18-30 hols for single people...just a thought.
Sorry im not much help. but maybe a hug might help.:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

28-08-08, 02:38
You seem like you would be quite shy when approaching girls and lack confidence in yourself? (i could be well off here) As mentioned perhaps you should take up a hobby and meet someone and take things from there, you would know you have something in common.

28-08-08, 09:19
Thanks I still feel a bit rubbish and stressed out this morning and have to go to work luckily I have a day off tomorrow.

28-08-08, 21:51
Hello Phil,

I'm 37 and single. Never married, but had lots of girlfriends. Last time I had a girlfriend was about 1 1/2 years' ago. Never interested in copping off with anyone at a club - always wanting to meet 'Miss Right' - so I prefer to wait and be choosey. No wonder I'm still single!

The thing is, I'm guessing you're young, so it does feel like it's the be-all and end-all, having a GF. Getting to a point where you can accept being a single bloke is a good place. It's nice to have someone close to you, and to feel like you've got security and a direction, but you know, you CAN survive without it. I have good friends, including one or two women, and although I also think to myself, 'When will I find a wife?', I am still able to accept being a batchelor at the moment. You've got the advantage of probably being at least 15 years younger than me!

Re. the job - speak to the boss nicely and explain that you're struggling with the long shifts. If necessary, say that you've started to feel a bit unwell because of them, and could he give you breaks and maybe 8-hour shifts? If he says no, and you feel brave, ask him what the law says about breaks during the day, because you're sure he'll know as he's the manager.

Let us know how you get on.

Hang in there, Phil!
