View Full Version : worried about my head

28-08-08, 03:51
hi there,

i am a little worried about these syptoms i am having. i have made notes and this is how it has been

slight stabbing pain every so often left side at back of my head

head feels pressure band all round. like in vice. doesnt feel like a headache really.
slight neck ache
stabbing pain every so often all day left side (sometimes right side) of head at back
felt little bit weak.

woke up with stabbing pain in left side at back. felt tired but ok.
then pressure band around head came back.
neck really aching today.
felt got no energy.
very tired but dont feel to sleep.
felt a little sick (but think thats cause i got worried)
slight jaw ache
little bit of ear ache
ear click when swallowing (since pm)
head feels really heavy feel i want to relax every muscle in face and neck.
achy dull headache at back and both sides of head. but feels a weird headache if that makes sense.
hardly any stabbing pains though today.
voice a little croaky.

now little info on me. i do suffer anxiety/panic attacks and agoraphobia. i split from my girlfriend 3weeks ago which has hit me quite hard. i dont sleep very well. and i have a crap bed/pillows and bad posture. i have in the past week or so been laying awkward all day on the bed.

but im just worried it something more than my panic mind stirring up or posture. i have made an appointment for the drs but thats not till Friday evening. (earliest they could do) also i dont want to go Hospital if i can help it as it is 20mins from me and im agoraphobic so will be hell for me its not just the journey but i know i will be waiting in there for hrs. also i dont want to waste drs time of it being something i can wait till friday.

any ideas? i worried i got a brain tumour or something along those lines

28-08-08, 04:25
ok i always end up saying this, but it is true, i get all of your symptoms! the head pressure i find is bad when my anxiety is bad.
maybe you have eye strain?
maybe if your too tense that can cause your neck to become tense and you can feel pain from that up the back of your head.
it could be a mild ear infections of even tension headaches.
if you find anything becomes too uncomfortable for you can always see your doc, just to make sure.

28-08-08, 04:37
It really does sound a lot like stress and anxiety symptoms, diamonds. Also your poor sleeping posture won't be helping - muscle strain in your back and neck can manifest as headaches. Can you buy/borrow some extra pillows?
It sounds like you might be emotionally stressed as well - completely naturally and understandably - following your breakup. Even when you're not thinking about it, being in this kind of situation can raise your general levels of anxiety and so generate anxiety symptoms.
Have a look around on the site and the forums - you'll find many othe people in a similar situation as you with similar symptoms. Brain tumour is a very common worry for us lot in here. It's really good that you're going to see your doctor on Friday - always best to get things checked out when you have new symptoms and it will give you a chance to talk things through with him/her.
Until you see the doc, try thinking about the cause of your symptoms as tension/anxiety rather than as a potential brain tumour and see if they ease off a little. Good luck and hope you're feeling better soon. :winks:

28-08-08, 14:02
Hi diamonds.
Its funny I am sitting here very panicky today as I have been having bad head pains now since Saturday. I suffer migraines and I went to the neurologist who gave me some pills, they reacted badly with me and I couldnt take them anymore and now I am back to the headpains / migraines again.
Once again despite MRI's and seeing a specialist neurologist (seriously this guy is like the top guy who teaches other doctors) I still keep wondering if I am going to drop down dead of a stroke when he tells me no I am just someone who suffers head pains and migraines.
I get very upset about these pains, the migraines make me have time off sick from work, and I am on the verge of losing my job due to sickness which makes me more anxious, and guess what I am sitting here worrying about it, with my head throbbing. I know how you feel.
My doctor told me if you have a tumour or anything you have symptoms other than head pains, you have limbs that go dead, your speech slurs, you cannot sit up, one pupil blows etc.... headaches are often not a symptom.
Dont know if this helps, but you are not alone.

29-08-08, 01:42
thanks for your replies people.

ive had another bad day of it from about 5mins of waking up.

my throat is now getting very sore, my ears really ache and chewing food hurts too.

i did feel like i was going to collapse earlier not dizzy just felt weird and felt like i was going to pass out.

i still am worrying i have something wrong like a tumour but thats just me or something seriously wrong.

but im trying to get into my head (no pun intended) that if i had a tumour it wouldnt give me a sore throat, crackling in the ears and earache.

it just the pressure all over my head and neck ache that worries me

29-08-08, 01:48
Feeling like a band round your head is what i used to get all the time as well but my GP told me thats what a tension headache feels like, which would be more likely considering you suffer from anxiety and having recently split from your girlfriend

29-08-08, 01:55
yeh just always comes at the wrong time.

i thought at the weekend right lets crack on with getting me sorted its only me now and thats all i can do then i get this crap lol.

2 steps forward 10 back lol

just have to push through it

29-08-08, 01:59
Sorry you're feeling worse, diamonds. Are you seeing the doc today? Any swollen glands under your jaw? Might be an ear or sinus infection exacerbated by your anxiety. Seeing the doc should put your mind at rest :).

29-08-08, 02:04
not that i can feel. its wierd its like a cold but without the runny nose. and the way it started with headache then now the earache and sore throat was weird. yeh im seeing the dr today well in about 15hrs time. i did fone the NHS direct earlier but wasnt much help. for one when your say its no really a headache but ive had pain. its more of a pressure thing. they dont know what to say reading the symptoms on the computer the other end. plus she kept saying about going to a walking clinic (afterhrs) which my local one is about 40min drive. i kept saying well if you dont think it serious id rather wait cause im agoraphobic lol. which didnt really get through to her. but my local a/e is only 10mins so if she thought it was a bit dodgy then i would of gone there instead. just didnt want to 1 waste drs time or put myself through hell of getting there and then waiting X amount of hrs panicing like hell

29-08-08, 04:31
If you haven't got a fever, difficulty breathing, change in vision etc and the head pain isn't so bad that even painkillers aren't helping then you're probably OK to wait until you see the doc later today.
I've ended up in A&E a few times after freaking out about symptoms - a couple of times because of panic attack (which I thought might be heart attack) and once because I thought I might have meningitis. Evey time it's been fine, of course :blush:, and thank goodness for that.
Other times when I've thought "do I need to go to A&E?" I've tried to just hold off for an hour, distract myself with something in that hour so that I'm not obsessing about symptoms and winding myself up. When the hour is up I try to objectively assess whether or not my symptoms have got much worse. If I haven't got worse, I wait another hour and so on. In all cases after two or three hours I'm fairly confident that I'm not getting significantly worse and don't need go to A&E.
Of course, if you get sudden fever, severe chest pain, trouble breathing or anything like that then you should get emergency help. That's what it's there for.
Maybe try the hour-long distraction method though, see how you get on for the next few hours. Then you'll be closer to your doc's appt anyway. Your body is more robust than you think. Hugs:hugs:

29-08-08, 09:35
I get had tension around my head when I am stressed, it feels like a vice tightening around the top of your head. It comes and goes depending on how stressed I am, and when I feel the first couple of signs of it I tend to try and close my eyes for a moment and relax possibly meditate where possible without people thinking I have lost the plot.

you mentioned you had recently split with your partner, that is going to stress you out as well as anything else happening in life. Have you tried to do stuff like cut out cafeen. Since I have stopped drinking coffee I have less headaches and less pains in my head. And sleep deprevation can do some wacked up things to you and your head!

Take a moment to slow down and relax, practice some deep breathing close your eyes and chill. If you find it getting progressivly worse then go to your GP.

Hope you feel better soon!
Take care

29-08-08, 10:35
Everything you've described is perfectly in line with the common tension headache. These can last 5 minutes to 5 weeks. They're harmless

29-08-08, 23:14
Hope you got on OK at the doc's, diamonds, and are feeling better.:)

31-08-08, 01:15
hi guys,

well i got to the drs though i nearly climbed the walls in there having a panic attack. though i do it silently like im a drug addict bopping the legs drinking water like ive not had it for months etc but i made it in. 1st time out of the house in a month (sober)

anyways he said i have a viral infection and all i can do is salt water and take paracetomal. he said my throat was red. thats all he checked and done. i did the old so its not a brain tumour then. he said no like medical students all the symptoms dont always mean the worst situation. so i took what he said and left.

but today i felt worse. my head legs and arms feel sooo heavy. they feel like they are just going to stop and i wont be able to move them again. im not tired though i went to sleep at 6am in the end and up at noon. saying that im not sleeping well again at all. today i cant stop crying either about my ex everything seems to get to me bad now and sets me off. i get a few mins of right lets crack on with my life then my head will feel bad or something else will happen and i get shot back down. iwasnt doing too bad before i got these problems with my head but im still worried its more than what the dr said. i just dont feel me

31-08-08, 01:26
Hi Diamonds,

The panic and the anxiety take alot of of us and can leave us exhausted- and usually do. If you add a viral infection on top of this then our body doesn't have alot of energy left. Even more so if it is not getting enough sleep to recouperate. I can sympathise because I know all of these and know how agitating it can be. It is cumulative too.

I get alot of pains too. Most come from my neck. I think alot of these are down to my body being very tired constantly. I tend to lie about as a result and seem to get alot of aches and pains that way. It may not be the same with yourself but I thought I best mention it in case it is something you can relate to.

All the best


31-08-08, 22:41
I think you have TMD (TMJ Disorder) It is related to stress and grinding your teeth. Explains the cracking jaw ache, ear aches etc. even headache. See your dentist. I am seeing mine tomorrow. Good Luck

31-08-08, 23:57
Hey diamonds

Well done you for getting to your doctor's appt. Good news that it's just a mild infection. I can vouch for the salt water gargling, really does ease the inflammation in your throat.

Have you considered some counselling to talk through your breakup and/or anxiety issues? It seems like maybe your emotional distress over your breakup has ramped up your anxiety which is manifesting itself through HA. I know my HA got a lot worse following the breakdown of my 12 year relationship at the end of last year/beginning of this. I quit my job, left my partner and moved to a different country (admittedly the one where I was born and where most of my family live) all at the same time. It was stressful.

I've been through a series of infections over the last couple of months, and lots more anxiety symptoms than I've ever had before. I'm trying to deal with the emotional fallout of the last 6-12 months because I do think that's at the root of the HA and other anxieties. Even just talking about it to friends/family can help. Just a thought.