View Full Version : anxiety and paranoia

28-08-08, 09:37
I was wondering if anyone else suffers with paranoia due to anxiety ,I constantly wonder what people think of me and worry if I think I have upset them or if they think bad of me ....is this due to anxiety or is it just my prsonality .

28-08-08, 10:53
I never really thought of it as paranoia - just me being 'over sensitive'.:blush:
Even writing on here - if i don't get a reply, i think "what have i said? have i offended some one? and then i think ' well, they just saw my name and ignored my post'.
Why should anyone listen to me?
I am just stupid and have panic attacks - i should be able to be 'like everyone else and pull myself together'.
We have all heard the non- panickers who are sooooo sure you could 'snap out of it if you wanted to'.
Do they really think i enjoy living in fear???
Sorry did not mean to rant!!!!

28-08-08, 11:02
Hi titchjd

My mother was a very sub dominant type of person that would do anything to please people. My father on the other hand didn't care less about what people thought of him and treated them as they treated him. I inherited both these traits, so I go out of my way to please people but if I think I'm being used then my fathers traits kick in and I get paranoid about it. I think a lot of it is about what you inherit from your parents. In my case the two traits that I inherited are in opposition to each other which causes a bit of paranoia.


28-08-08, 11:23
Thanx ..June your posts was like reading about myself haha...Im the same if people dont reply etc.x
Tom I agree its what you inherit or more in mycase how I was bought up ....I was loved but I always felt like I had 2 please everyone all of the time and would be so upset if I upset them esp my dad x...and now 35years later I still the same ..the little girl that wants 2 be liked x

01-02-09, 13:00
I found that my introductory posts got lots of replies but now I am actually posting about details, I don't get so many....

Paranoia is a strong word, i think anx can amplify feelings myself............

01-02-09, 22:35
I consider myself very paranoid and maybe that is the root of my panic. Its not so much what people think in general but do worry about having a panic attack in front of people. Through my life I've always been fairly mentally strong and never given much away so the thought of anyone seeing me at my weakest I think triggers the paranoia.

All the best
