View Full Version : Feel Really set back

28-08-08, 10:21
I started on fluoxetine 3 weeks ago and after a week they really kicked in i didnt have a panic attack for 2 weeks which for me is a major thing because before that i'd have them daily, i even went to a theme park a last week and really enjoyed myself. But over the past few days ive started feeling really anxious and agitated again but it is that time of the month so im not sure if thats normal or not? Do you think i might need my meds upping has anyone done this and felt better with it i just dont want to go back to how i was a few weeks ago because i feel like ive come so far :weep:

28-08-08, 10:54
I can't really offer any advice. If you think you'd better consult your doctor with these questions.

I wanted to give you a hug. Take good care of yourself, Sonya!:hugs:

Hope 2
28-08-08, 21:04
Hi Sonya

You HAVE come so far, well done you !!

I know you feel really disappointed, but I am sure it is a 'blip' and not a sign you are going back to square 1. I have been there, don't let it get you down. One day at a time and all that ! Ups and downs are the norm, many will agree I am sure xx That wonderful time of the month affects some girlies too so it could be that too.

Chin Up hun and keep motivated and posting here too......this place can help u along xx

Bye for now
Hope xx

28-08-08, 21:20
Hang in there I know how hard it can be. Around the time of the month things are always worse and are for myself. Just keep thinking to yourself your not on your own and this will pass hope this helps a little.

28-08-08, 21:36
I think its probably just your hormones have went a bit awol as its getting nearer your time of the month, mine does it every month! It's the only time I can have anxiety symptoms and not be worried about it cause i know what it is

Lisa x

28-08-08, 21:47
Thankyou for your replies im still feeling the same hopefully it is because of my hormones, ive got the docs tomorrow for a review of my tabs so i will see what he says :hugs: xx

28-08-08, 22:10
I used to have real anxiety problems at that time of the month. It drove me to drink and use drugs. I am thankful that time has passed for me. No more periods.

Hope 2
28-08-08, 22:11
Hey Sonya

Sorry u still no better. When I started anti d's, mine were increased initially, when I had exactly the same experience as you. Just go with the flow, GP's usually always start folk on the lowest dose and take it from there.

Hope u go on ok
H xx

29-08-08, 09:34
Well i went back to docs this morning after having the worst panic attack ever last night it went on all night, for some reason i have my panic attacks through the night never in the day :shrug: Shes tlold me to stay on the fluoxetine because im three weeks in and never had a reaction to them at the beginning and has given me diazepam incase i have a severe one again, im dreading bed time now i really dont want to wake up like i did last night i thought i was going to die :weep: