View Full Version : How often do you have a serious attack?

Malton Seadog
28-08-08, 11:02
Hi guys,

Last night, I had what I can describe as my third 'serious' panic attack.

By this, I mean that I couldn't just sit there and let it pass. I had to get up and I was in serious discomfort.

I have a lot of smaller anxious feelings nearly every day, but this was only my third attack which was more intense.

How often do you have a serious attack?

Eva May
28-08-08, 11:57
Mine usually depend on what's happening around me. If I decided to drive directly onto a traffic jammed motorway everyday, I would have many serious panic attacks on those days. If I stay quiet and only go to work and then home again and don't see or do anything out of the ordinary then I'm fine. When my parents go away or I can't contact them, I usually explode into a bad attack but that doesn't happen too often

Malton Seadog
28-08-08, 12:01
When my parents go away or I can't contact them, I usually explode into a bad attack but that doesn't happen too often

My mum is away on holiday and my girlfriend went home yesterday after a long stay. I reckon I could have had some seperation anxiety.

28-08-08, 14:15
For me its quite hard to put a pattern to it- im sure there are factors such as how tired i am, what is playing on my mind and how hard i have been working that send me into a tiz. I have a bit of a weird sensation- heightened senses/quick thought processes- that kind of thing- just before i spiral, like i know i am going to go into one, so ive learnt to quickly distract myself- if i allowed them then im sure i'd have more than i have had. Its so exhausting- physically and mentally isn't it?

28-08-08, 15:00
Had 3 since June (1st one was on a plane!)

All are when I've been "binge drinking" the night before.

Given up drink now!!!

28-08-08, 23:07
i can go months without having any attacks, and then i feel the old feelings creeping back , and can spend all day having a panic attack !! once the feelings are back i can spend a week or so like this!

29-08-08, 03:38
Lately, atleast once a week. It almost always starts with nausea and then snowballs from there to full out panic. Does anyone else have that feeling where your stomach is turning and feel like you're going to be sick? Is that normal?

29-08-08, 10:35
My mum is away on holiday and my girlfriend went home yesterday after a long stay. I reckon I could have had some seperation anxiety.

dont worrie i get the same thing but mine is a little different. its when im home alone that i get scared. i think a burgular is coming and im always listening out for sounds. but ive found that putting on music or ringing someone on the phone can help sometimes.

29-08-08, 10:38
i get a serious attack at least once a month but a normal attack usally happens about 2-3 times a week. these attacks used to relly bother me but now i just take them and deal with them. they are bsically part of my everyday life now. but drinking water helps for me and also taking rscue remidy it really calms you down!!:wacko:

29-08-08, 10:42
Lately, atleast once a week. It almost always starts with nausea and then snowballs from there to full out panic. Does anyone else have that feeling where your stomach is turning and feel like you're going to be sick? Is that normal?

yeah i do you are not completly alone. i understand how you feel. im 12 and had panick attacks for 3 yrs. the best thing is to keep busy and try and occupie your self.

30-08-08, 07:51
I dont think there is such a thing as a serious or non-serious panic attacks. A panic attack is a panic attack, its just that some times we can cope better than at other times.

03-10-08, 07:56
A few moths back, I was getting them almost daily..certainly every other day. It was so distressing, and made my anxiety spiral uncontrollably.

Thankfully, thanks to support, counselling, swimming, yoga and being followed up by the cardiologoy team, the 'attack's are becoming much less frequent, and much less severe. They still upset me when they happen, but I haven't been in A&E with one for about a month now!

03-10-08, 16:26
There is more space in between attacks at the present time. Maybe its my meds, I don't know, but I am happy for the reprieve. When I have an anxiety attack it always leads to a bad depression. I work full time and I am raising three girls, no time for depression here.
Have a good day!

10-10-08, 10:49
:hugs: HI USED 2 HAVE ATTACKS AT LEAST 4 TIMES A WEEK. WHEN I FIRST STARTED GETTING THEM WE CALLED AN AMBULANCE 2X THINKING I WAS DYING!!i i wouldn,t let my husband sleep untill i was . i am now on larazapam prn and it really does help.But when you have a serious attack its not nice,here in new zealand i have Fab support frpm drs and nurses from the mental health team, Take care , Michelle:bighug1:

10-10-08, 18:48
Usually i just feel angsty and panicky- but don't have full blown attacks. so once ever 6-8 weeks.

My first one was at the church. We had a mass to remember my grandmother, and i was sitting down, and i heard a plane go by and i was just listing to it, totally calm and all the sudden i had this massive adreniline rush, my heart was beating like CRAZY, i was sweating and I was so scared i was gonna do soemthing embaressing in front of the whole church and go crazy. but i made it through without a scene.

the second was one night when i had really bad anxiety aand couldnt sleep, so i went into my sisters bed. THen i started having thoughts about me accidentlly choking her in her sleep or loosing control or doing something crazy, and that gave me a FULL blown attack that ended in my heart beating frantically an hour after me relaxing myself and me crying.

i had my most recent three nights ago while reading, but i got it under control fast.

Natural Mystic
10-10-08, 19:53
For me its quite hard to put a pattern to it- im sure there are factors such as how tired i am, what is playing on my mind and how hard i have been working that send me into a tiz. I have a bit of a weird sensation- heightened senses/quick thought processes- that kind of thing- just before i spiral, like i know i am going to go into one, so ive learnt to quickly distract myself- if i allowed them then im sure i'd have more than i have had. Its so exhausting- physically and mentally isn't it?
I think I too have found a way to avoid them before they get full blown, it's a really self empowering thing.

It's still very frightening though because at the time you don't know if you'll manage to fight it this time.

lucy devine
11-10-08, 02:07
I have been suffering from severe panic attacks for around a year now but at aged 15 at present, I have suffered from anxiety for most of my childhood and earli teens...it started badly again when my brother started to try to harm himself and commit suicide on many occasions. This affected me really badly and from then on I was swarmed with all sorts of feelings and thoughts to whether I would die/ kill myself without being in control of what I was doing. Panic attacks for me has controlled my life for some time now to the point where I was having over 5 severe ones a day...I couldnt go into town in fear of not being able to escape, I couldnt queue up in shops because again I would constantly concentrate on my breathing, feeling certain that I was about to choke and die. These severe panic attacks have also led to a phobia with eating...which meant that I had severe panic attacks when trying to eat which would leave me frightened and scared for the rest of the evening. However, with seeing a psychologist...I am now progressing in trying to beat these invasive and dehabilitating attacks and would love to talk to someone in a similar situation to me so panic attacks can be beaten :D im always here to try to help!

20-10-08, 06:47
i clicked every day because it is near enough, i dont know why i get them i can waken up with like today.

20-10-08, 17:57
its normal i get upset stomach need to dash to the loo no control feeling sick sometimes it feels like i have a stomach bug not nice even after eating some times hope you feel better soon see your doctor he can give you something to calm you down and your stomach good luck x

20-10-08, 19:36
I've not had a panic attack for over five years now. I get a bit nervous now and again but nothing like I used to be like.


05-06-09, 21:28
I have had panic attacks on and off all my life. They have recently "mutated" and become severe ever since I began suffering with bad anxiety and mild depression.

Since my recovery kicked in I rarely have panic attacks. Once I learn to spot them they lose nearly all of their power.

06-06-09, 03:13
once a year about.

14-07-09, 20:13
yes, im absolutley the same. Nausea first, fear and expectation that I am going to be sick, then I do this wierd thing where I want the people around me to know in case i die or am really ill, but afterwards I am so ashamed and wish I had tried to keep it more private but i cant help it at the time

16-07-09, 00:43
I get serious attacks once every couple of months but now they are becoming more frequent, had 3 in the past month. The last 1 I had was the most severe, I ended up being taken to hospital just to get checked out. I can spot the early signs of an attack and try to beat the bad feelings but there are times that it just hits me unawares. Mine are mainly stress related but Ive had a few where my emotions get the better of me and I cant control what I'm feeling. I have a couple of good freinds helping me through this but sometimes I think I'm putting too much on them.

16-07-09, 12:15
ive only ever had 2 or 3 serious attacks, one of them where i lost all control of my body. my anxiety is mostly dim , but sustained throughtout the day. i only get really anxious when m going somewhere, doing something different or scary.

25-07-09, 15:55
i get nightly panic attacks that wake me up.. its become chronic and I'm insomniac because of it....making it worse... *help*

11-08-09, 19:24
Had 3 since June (1st one was on a plane!)

All are when I've been "binge drinking" the night before.

Given up drink now!!!

I think drinking heavily seems to cure it at the time and 10 times worst the next day

15-08-09, 23:54
I dont think there is such a thing as a serious or non-serious panic attacks. A panic attack is a panic attack, its just that some times we can cope better than at other times.
I guess so, though I rate them as those where I feel so bad I'm almost at the stage of ringing 999.

Only had 3 I'd rate as serious. One last year when I did go to A&E but that was first time round with chest & arm pains, palpitations, etc. Second a month ago when this round of stuff kicked off which was just some weird thing related to hand tingling, and third the other week when I got so dizzy and ended up in a right state in the night with the phone nearby ready to phone an ambulance!

There's no pattern to it and maybe it's down to how well I cope as to the seriousness. I'm getting better at least at convincing myself it's rubbish, but the feeling doesn't go away immediately. I just instead have to ride it out. The after effects from the last have been going on a while now where I'd have some perfect days and some far less so.

27-08-09, 23:28
What's a serious attack? Is that not different in each of us? I feel that the experience of panic is radically different for each of us.

I have had only one attack that has made me want to crawl in to a corner and cry. Other panics have been very mild in comparison.
