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View Full Version : Lump On Head (Advice Please!!!)

28-08-08, 12:29
Have a lump on top of my head, been there around a year and a bit.

Is quite firm and is about the size of a pea.

Hasnt grown in size at all, nor do I get that many head aches like the common person.

Clealy isnt anything to do with my brain (like a tumor) As the thing we call a skull is in the way!

Anyways is it worth me getting it checked out?

28-08-08, 13:32
It will be a cyst. I had one removed a few years ago and have another one now. They are completely harmless, just fatty cysts.

Don't worry.

28-08-08, 14:01
Thanx for the reply,

Shall just let it be then :)

28-08-08, 14:05
Best to get the doc have a look at it, to be 100% sure, but I am sure it is a simple head cyst.
Maybe you are so clever you are growing another brain? :-P

28-08-08, 19:37

it is a cyst i have 2, one is slightly bigger than the other, my dr told me not to worry about them,she said they could possibly get bigger but they are still nothing to worry about.hope that reassures you
