View Full Version : eek, introducing myself

28-08-08, 15:57
Hello :) I'm Jessie,
I guess the reason why I have signed up to this site is because I have been recently going through a lot of things that i thought were problems of mine that would go away with time. But more so recently than ever before I am becoming more inclined to stay inside my house rather than go outside and i have an incredibly hard time sleeping at the moment as i work myself up into a panic so much so i am too scared to sleep. I become panic striken when i am about the town, or surrounded by people who i don't know. I have never been into a shop by myself as everytime i try i panic and start to feel ill. I've always thought that my problems where just silly teenage problems until i did some reading up on them. It's become extremely hard for me to find a job as well seeing as i panic about talking to people i haven't met on the phone. However i am too scared to see a doctor as, like i said i feared i was just being silly, and they'd just tell me to get over it.
So i thought i would join in here, hoping that perhaps talking to people who can relate to my problems will help me and that hopefully i can provide some positivity for others as well.
Sorry to ramble, i'm good at that :)
thank you for reading

28-08-08, 16:06
Welcome, you will find plenty of support and friendship here.

28-08-08, 16:32

:welcome: to nmp

jodie xx

28-08-08, 16:35
Welcome Jessie :)

28-08-08, 16:41
thank you to those who have replied, i thought i was going to end up as one of those people no one talked to :)

28-08-08, 16:51
:welcome:Hi Jessie xx

28-08-08, 19:04
Hi Jessie

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.