View Full Version : worried :-(

28-08-08, 16:52
I'll keep it very short, i wrote in connection to this receintly, but it was more about the ulcer and this is about the ache i feel in my jaw. It aches when i am opening my mouth, smiling, doing anything with my mouth, it's just on one side, and it's bones just before the ear that ache, but what worried me is that it's achey when i press on the bones, or what i think is bones, it is also very tender when i press just above the top bone, right by the ear, it's like a slope there. Am I obssessing about this too much? I can't stop thinking about it. The ulcer is healing, but i am scared to eat on that side and keep only chewing with the other side which is difficult cause i have a few teeth out on that side...Thank you very much for any insight.

28-08-08, 19:04
Hi there

This is surprisingly common , I have it myself

Please please stop prodding as you will make it even more painful hun

You will be ok

H x

28-08-08, 21:52
Thanks, Hunny, I will try not to poke it...
It makes me think something terrible is happening, because i never had it before. It gets bit better than tomorrow it's the same again.

29-08-08, 16:30
I get quite a bit of jaw problems when I'm stressed. Aches and clicks etc. Maybe trying to do some soft jaw exercises may help?