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chicken licken
28-08-08, 16:55

Hi, decided to join up on here at last, don't know why I haven't until now as I've regularly used the info and read the forums for a while now, I've found them to be a great help and at times stopped a panic in progress just by reading through the posts and info, Just reading similar stories and realizing your not the person in the world to feel such extreme symptoms is a relief thats priceless.
and a bit about me :blush:
Ive been suffering panics and anxiety regulary for a few years now and compared with how bad it got a couple of years ago I would say now It is far better in the frequency and intensity of the rubbish symptoms you get when your having a flap attack as I like to call it :winks: ... 2 years ago I would say I felt either extreemly anxious or in a panic most days and for most of the day, if not all day... I never ever want to go be there again it was a most frustrating and frightning time of life for me, and now thankfully Im more sporadic with feelings and rarely now when Im feeling odd does it ever last more than a few hours, I had thought I was pretty ok all the time up until this last week where I seem to be struggling to get my head into normal mode for some reason.
Apart from the usual panics I also get really random phobias, they seem to be along side my panics, if Im having a lot of panics I find the phobias and strange irrational fears play up too.
and....... Im completly deaf in one ear, born like it ...not a problem you wouldnt notice if you knew me, but I actually only have one ear physicaly ad the other isnt there... like the inner ear physically never grew, I know this effects my balance and Ive read alot on inner ear and panics assosiated so Im very intrested in finding out more.

If I met me, I would say I was probably a little bit mad :yesyes:

28-08-08, 17:48
Welcome chicken licken...I know what you mean about reading other people's experiences, it really helps to know that you're not alone. Look forward to reading your posts :)

28-08-08, 18:06
Hey chicken licken. This forum helps me a lot as well. Its reassuring that there are a lot of people on here that have the same symptoms as you (and they've not died from some unknown disease :roflmao: as I usually think i have!) It also gives you a chance to speak to people who actually know what you're going through and what it feels like to be so scared and irrational!

Take care x

28-08-08, 18:55
Hi Chicken

Love the name by the way!

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people and get loads of support and advice along the way.

28-08-08, 19:05
Hi Chicken

Welcome to the site, glad you decided to join. I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care
