View Full Version : Terrible day, I need to get this off my chest.

28-08-08, 17:12
I am waiting to start CBT, assesment was last week, she thinks my problems stem from my childhood, my father was never there for me, always in the pub peeing our money up the wall, he was very violent and bullied me badly when I was growing up so not a happy start to life. It has left me anxious as hell and I am unable to enjoy my own children because im anxious daily:blush:

Today I woke up feeling very tired despite 8 hours sleep but yesterday I found very stressful so maybe I didn't have a deep sleep, I was anxious when i went to bed. Today ive felt very spaced out and just generally not myself. My dad then asked if I wanted to meet him with my children for lunch so I agreed (it took alot, I rarely see my dad). Maybe I thought he was finally going to change. When we got there he was hungover from his night out the night before for his birthday, he huffed and puffed at the table, kept telling my children to sit still, they were being so well behaved (he has never had the patience for kids, he had 4 kids with my mum!!!). When the food arrived he said he needed some fresh air, he then said 'actually I will go back home, knock on my door when you have finished here' and just left. He paid the bill and was gone. He runs a pub down the road from where we were.

I wsa just sat there with my kids, close to tears but hiding it from them. I have got home and broken down, my eldest saw me. I am having a tough time anxiety wise again, having a bad blip so this has made me feel 10x worse it really has:weep:

I worry about every ache and pain being meningitis, its my ultimate fear, god i wish someone could totally get this fear out of my head once and for all, why am I so obsessed and scared of it?????? my auntie had it in February, viral form and lived but a friends little boy had bacterial and died a few yrs ago and that has stuck in my head. I live in fear of myself or my children getting ill with it. I panic over every blemish on my skin even if i feel well even though my GP has told me the rash is the last symptom and id have a high fever yet I still worry. I am a nervous wreck:weep:

I saw ENT consultant yesterday re my sinus pain, he says its all facial migraines because of my anxiety. I totally forgot to tell him that when i bend over i get a bad feeling of congestion in my nose, stupid me so im now worrying he will of missed something:weep: I should trust him. He said if i had chronic sinusitis id have a temp and green mucus from my nose so not to worry and he does specialise in sinus surgery. I am just kicking myself.

I spend every night in bed as soon as my 3 young children are in bed, I worry about every ache and pain as i said before being meningitis, its just meningitis really or brain tumours that i fear, both my aunties have had these so I guess thats why but its ruling my life and I am freaking out all of the time. I can't carry on feeling like this.

I saw my GP last week and broke down, he said to come back in a month if I felt no better, he didn't want to discuss anti ds. Are they the answer though, will anti depressants take my health anxiety away? I really can't imagine that they will.

If anyone can kick me into touch I would appreciate a good hard slap:roflmao: My mum is coming round tonight, my parents are divorced and she is just as upset as me after what my dad did to me today so maybe I will get a hug from her.

Captain America
28-08-08, 17:40
sorry you had a bad experience with your dad. sounds like you need to get some boundaries established so it doesn't bother you as much.
as for the meningitis, if your doctor says you don't have it, then you don't. they don't take chances with that. i believe fever is like a mandatory symptom for that.
one thing that helped me with my health anxiety a little, is to acknowledge that i have anxiety. so, yeah, meningitis can cause a stiff neck, but so can anxiety. i don't KNOW that i have meningitis, but i do KNOW that i have anxiety. so therefore, the most likely cause is anxiety!

it helps a little. if i get a fever i'm off to the doctor though. also it helps if i ask myself if i've had a symptom before. in most cases the answer is yes, and they always go away.

hope your day gets better

28-08-08, 17:51
Thanks very much for your help and reassurance. It means alot.

28-08-08, 18:00
hi Libby sorry to hear about your day. Your Dad sounds exactly like mine! My problems also stem from my childhood. It was suggested to me a few years ago by a psychologist to go back to my childhood and write a letter to my Dad (but don't give it to him) about all the things he did that hurt me, scared me and how I feel about it all. I thought this was a really stupid idea at the time and I thought i'd never be able to write it down but once I started I couldn't stop. I still have the 10 page letter!! It turned out that it actually helped me a lot once I put it all down in paper instead of running round in my head and I now do it any time I get annoyed, angry, upset at anyone. I don't know if this could maybe help with that.

I also have health anxiety but mine is usually about my heart. I constantly search for any aches, pains or if my heart is racing and anti-depressants have been prescribed to me but i'm too scared to take them. Apparently (according to the psychiatrist I asked a million and one questions to!) Anti-depressants are more successful at treating anxiety problems than depression so I hope that helps you also

take care x

28-08-08, 18:04
i pm'd u matey xx

28-08-08, 23:12
Thanks very much for your replies.

Its so hard when you have emotional issues to deal with aswell as your anxiety isn't it.

Heres hoping things improve for us all soon.

Thanks again.

28-08-08, 23:42
thanku for your pm and things will look up soon for u. im glad the cbt going well and it will help u as time goes on. look after u and your family hun, the rest can look after them selves. hugs xxx

29-08-08, 00:19
I suffer from anxiety and depression, but I cannot imagine what you must go through thinking everything is something fatal. Maybe anti depressants or anxiety meds would help. have you ever tried any?

29-08-08, 00:40
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time of it at the moment, Libby. My heart goes out to you in your distressed state. It sounds like your nerves are already in shreds and with your dad's behaviour on top of that... no wonder you're feeling so stressed and anxious.

Have you ever tried any counselling or CBT? I haven't myself so can't vouch for it, but it might help to untangle some of your emotional issues, which might then ease some of your anxiety? Maybe your doctor could advise or refer you. You have to believe him when he says you don't have a brain tumour or meningitis - he would see the signs and would act accordingly. He can't see the signs because the brain tumour/meningitis just isn't there.

Things will get better for you, Libby. You're definitely heading in the right direction by talking about it to people who care about you - husband, mum, doctor and us lot here. Good luck and lots of hugs. :hugs:

29-08-08, 07:02
Thank you very much.

I wsa on dothiepin for a year 3 yrs ago, it helped as I had post natal depression at the time but didn't actually tackle my anxiety I don't think, I mean I still worried about my health.

I am on a waiting list for CBT, had my assesment last week so shouldn't be too much longer now.

I don't go to my GP thinking I have meningitis etc... I just worry every ache and pain during the day might be something fatal. It is awful and not a nice way to live but I am now keeping a journal and will start to set myself tasks each day, maybe doing my own form of CBT will help.

29-08-08, 10:38
Hey Libby,

Can I ask how old you are? I spent 6 months being terrified of meningitis, went to see the doctor who reminded me I'd been immunised against the viral form at school....

29-08-08, 12:14
God I'm scared to ever come off my ssri ever again as it makes me normal and after 4 weeks i think "my god the worry has stopped"!!!

Talk to your Dr ..... what have you got to loose.

Ask about ssri's x x x

29-08-08, 17:51

I had an allergic reaction to cipralex a few years ago so thats why my GP won't put me on SSRI's. I wish there was a drug that took all the worries away but I don't want to rely on medication really. I hate the way it makes me feel.

I am 29 Atmolav, I too have been vacinated against the viral form obviously there is no jab yet against the bacterial form, thats the one that frightens me.