View Full Version : Blood clot worry--HELP!

Ali in NY
28-08-08, 17:56
Hi,I've had this pulsing ache (sometimes it's a little painful) that comes and goes for a few hours and then disappears for hours or even a day, then returns. It's on the top of my left thigh in the middle and though it doesn't seem hot or swollen, I'm convinced it's a blood clot. The skin in the area which is the size of a plum, is sensitive to the touch. It's been going like this for weeks. It's been causing me panic attacks and I feel like I'm going crazy. It happens at various times during the day and sometimes at night, but usually not. Does anyone have any experience with this? I have made an appt. with my doctor, but she can't see me until next week.

28-08-08, 18:03
I would try not to worry. If it was a blood clot I think it would be pretty much constant pain and I think you would have had to go to hospital by now. Its could be a trapped nerve but if you get really concerned why not go to hospital and get it checked out?

Lisa x

Ali in NY
28-08-08, 18:12
Thanks for your reply. I have thought about going to the hospital, but at this moment it's not hurting or aching at all and I don't want to waste anyone's time if this is just a muscle thing that my health anxious brain is blowing out of proportion. I would try to just forget about this, but I'm flying next week and that makes me more worried about a blood clot.

28-08-08, 18:50

It sounds very much muscular to me , I get al sorts of weird pulsing and throbbing in odd places!

If it really hurts or you feeel unable to walk etc then see a Dr but I'm fairly sure its not a blood clot

H x

Ali in NY
28-08-08, 19:22
Thanks, hunny. I guess I just need that reassuance to get me through the next week until my appointment.

Malton Seadog
28-08-08, 19:40
I was convinced I had a blood clot too, but then saw sense and realised it was just a muscle pain in my leg.

It's gone now. Chin up!