View Full Version : Help...please.going out of my mind

28-08-08, 19:00

I had a load of blood tests done recently(I posted,thanks for replies). They came back normal apparantly so I should be reassured right?Wrong!

I am convinced I have a brain tumour , with all the symptoms , the severity and the impact on myself and my family its obvious :(

Would bloods such as FBC ESR and CRP show up tumours?
Thanks guys
H x

29-08-08, 07:07
I think in all cases the blood tests wouldn't show up a tumour but would show abnormalities in your blood - which might have a number of different causes. If all of the tests are normal then your blood doesn't have any abnormalities in the cells and markers being tested.

Can I ask why you were having the tests? What was your doctor looking for?

29-08-08, 11:49

The Dr was doing a screen as I was being re-referred to the gastroenterologist

I have since developed more severe symptoms with my head(ongoing)ad wondered if the bloods would pick up tumours within the inflammatory marker tests

H x

29-08-08, 12:04
I had this one and demanded to see a neuro...

I did and was fine but I went back onto my meds as I couldn't do this anymore....

All symptoms have cleared all the twitching the headaches the blurry vision the floeaters and dizziness.
I even lost sense in my skin my husband pinched me soo hard and left a bruise and I didn't feel a thing, so that's why I was sooo sure I had a brain problem

Nope....just anxiety

See you Dr and ask for info on medication or councelling

good luck

29-08-08, 12:08
As I understand it, some types of cancer or tumour can cause changes in the inflammatory markers and/or cell counts in your blood. But I'm not sure how much that helps given that a possible brain tumour diagnosis is not what your doctor had in mind when he/she ordered the tests. It sounds like you went along for another problem entirely. Has the other problem gone away now?

What are the symptoms that you are having that are making you think "brain tumour"?

29-08-08, 12:31
I have had ongoing bowel problems for ages now , years , so is not anxiety related at all and now it hasn't gone away

The symptoms with this are:
Severe dizziness(cannot walk in a straight line and if I shut my eyes I almost fall over)
Pressure and pain in right side of head , ear and down neck and shoulder , ear pops and feels full of something.Right eye twitches and feels stiff and hard to focus
Ringing and buzzing in both ears
Hearing is dulled
Feelings of cold/hot water in right side of head too

29-08-08, 20:27
You have listed most of the symptoms I get from a neck problem. I have herniated disc and arthritis in my neck and this causes ALL the symptoms you listed plus for me a few more!! anything that tenses us your neck muscles from simple anxiety to crippled spine can cause these symptoms.

15 yrs ago I was convinced I had a brain tumour because of same symptoms as yours. I was told by my GP that I had a neck problem but wouldn't believe him - eventually I saw ent who did tests including a brain mri which also checked your ears and no brain tumour or ear problem.

Then I convinced myself that the neck problem was constricting the blood flow through my vertebral arteries and this was causing constant dizzy feeling with occasional sudden vertigo - again eventually insisted on an ultrasound of arteries and they were normal - not even any furring up.

I had a mri of my neck which showed the bad damage and a neurosurgeon who said all his neck patients had balance problems.

Just over a year ago my neck symptoms improved considerably for first time in 15 yrs UNLESS I over did it and then wham all my symptoms came back pronto. I am suffering badly at moment with all your symptoms because I am doing too much and annoying my neck.

Ask you Dr if he thinks your neck has a problem - you could also tell your GP of your serious worries about brain tumour and he can arrange an mri scan of brain him/herself which would put your mind at rest - until you can think of something else that could be causing it as I did!!

I sympathise hugely as I have felt so terrible for years with these very nasty symptoms.