View Full Version : HELP!!!

28-08-08, 21:42
Hello I am a 25 yr old mother of 2 and wife. I have recently started with what I am sure is panic attacks. I get this overwhelming sense that I am going to die. Today for example I came back from my lunch break and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I asked the Dr. I worked for to check my BP which was fine but my Heart rate was almost 150!!!! I could feel my heart racing out of every part of my body. I get real flushed and I felt like I was pass out. I get these more and more often these days and I just wish they would go away. I truly feel I am at the end of my rope.. And what makes it worse is that my husband thinks I am crazy and he is not understanding of it at all. I guess the question I have is "Am I Really Crazy?":weep:

28-08-08, 21:45
No you are not crazy at all! I'm guessing that you don't understand it let alone your husband, which is always the case. Did your doctor not say what he/she thought it was and what could be done?

28-08-08, 21:56
Hiya. :)

One of the most frightening things about a panic attack is that we know it's not logical but still it is so real, with physical symptoms as well as psychological ones.
Please don't think you're crazy, just have a look at some of the posts in the forum and you will see it can happen to anybody. It is difficult for people to understand but don't worry, you're not alone. :)
It's probably a good idea to see your own doctor if possible to discuss what's happening with him/her.

29-08-08, 00:04
You are not crazy. It is hard for other people to understand something they have not felt. I think the more you understand it the better you will cope.
Take care.

29-08-08, 01:59
you arent alone as said above. it is so hard to describe to people exactly how you feel and how for them to understand. your not crazy. your probably more sain than most people. ive had panic attacks for years now and still cant get into my head that there is nothing wrong lol
we all have gone through the same and still do. a lot of the time when you panic its good to say exactly how you feel all them feelings. type them out on here let us know how your feeling. it will make you feel better.

29-08-08, 03:48
Along the same lines as some of the other responses, you're definitely not losing it. Feeling like you're going to die is not uncommon for those suffering from panic/anxiety. Since you mentioned they have only started recently you're not exactly sure whats happening therefore your mind begins to think the worst, in turn making your body react more severely. Its completely normal and I personally can relate to you.