View Full Version : Hot baths.

Malton Seadog
28-08-08, 21:52
Hi all,

Do hot baths relax you or make you more anxious?

I'm about to have one now, so I'll see how I feel.

Sometimes I can be made more anxious, as the heart beats faster when the body is warm, thus making me conscious of my heartbeat.

On the flip side, the hot water should be a relaxant.

What are you experiences of bathtime?

28-08-08, 21:59
I love going for baths when i'm anxious. It's the only time I completely relax! Sometimes I do get too hot but just put more cold water in it. It's even better with loads of bubbles and candles

28-08-08, 22:03
Not good experiences.
Every time I climb into the tub, I will guarantee that:

A) My daughter starts throwing a tantrum somewhere else in the house
B) I'm wanted on the phone..NOW!!
C) Somebody somewhere wants me for something..and no, it can't wait for half an hour.

So..a quick shower normally has to suffice!

Seriously though, I don't find soaking in the bath particularly relaxing. I have tried the perfumed candles and gentle lighting but to no avail.

Ah well...:shrug:

28-08-08, 23:40
I stick solely to showers as I was finding myself getting agitated in the bath. The hotter the more agitated I got. Last week though I managed to mangle the shower so had to have a bath and used the wife's radox. It was really relaxing and enjoyable. Mind you I fell asleep on the couch at tea time but I was for once nice and calm.

That though was a one off. I can definitely related to the heart beating stronger when lying in the bath which is agitating.

All the best


29-08-08, 10:12
I love baths when I am anxious too. It is one of my ways of relaxing. When I am stressed I have a bath with bubble bath and face mask and cook something nice, it really helps.

29-08-08, 10:39
hmmm i'm too anxious to relax in the bath!

29-08-08, 16:22
Hi All,

Ladybird I totally agree with you. When I finally get round to a nice hot bath, something draws me away or its a quick in and out. I love my candles and incense etc and look forward to the day when I can relax in it.

In fact we have just had a new bathroom suite fitted today and I'm hoping to get a nice LONG bath tonight (ha ha)

In general, yes I find they do relax you, so long as you get a chance to unwind in it lol.......