View Full Version : Air Hunger

28-08-08, 23:19
How many of you get this? Its sooo annoying and absolutely exhausting. Ive had it off and on for years but cant control it when i do have it. Its impossible to ignore it as my lungs are telling me they need air. Some of the time i cant even get that deep breath in which really frustrates me:mad:

29-08-08, 00:06
i get these most days mainly when i am at my lowest and as yet still not worked out how to overcome it from tracy

29-08-08, 00:22
i know what you mean, like you can't take in a deep breath. it happens when I am real anxious. It has gotten better though.

29-08-08, 11:20
I have this a lot when anxious like crowded shops, hot cinemas etc where I try and breathe in deeply and cant so I panic. Its hypervenilation - we try to force breath in that we dont need - our oxygen/carbon dioxide levels go wonky and we need to breathe in more carbon dioxide to get the balance again. Breathe in and out of a paper bag or your hands cuppped over your nose and mouth - for a few minutes and you will be fine.

Wenjoy x

29-08-08, 11:37
i find holding my breath helps, it has the same effect of breathing into a paper bag

29-08-08, 12:53
I get that too! In fact, currently it's one of my primary worries. It's almost constant and sometimes I feel like I'll start suffocating at any second for no reason. The intensity varies.

For me, the best way to get over this is to try and find some sort of a distraction and to go about my day with paying as little attention to this as possible. Focusing on it doesn’t help and actually makes it worse.