View Full Version : bad time at mo

28-08-08, 23:25
Hiya I just had 2 post as Im having bad time .....ive been off work 7weeks and having CBT and was all positive but past 2 days my anxiety and depression and agoraphobia has cum bak with a bang .....i know every1 has bad days so hopefully it will pass .

My ex is getting married on sat we were 2 getha 15years and i didnt think it bothered me but people have been saying how do u feel about it and r u feeling down because of it so now I question myself and wonder if deep down it does bother me ......I just dont know ....i just know I feel very low and feel im going back not forward .........

plus im planning on going back 2 work week on Mon and i just dont know if Im ready but i'll neva know unles i do it ..arghhhhhhhhhhhhh why cant things just be normal xxx

I have my friends stresin about what 2 wear on their nyts out yet i stress about how will I ever leave the house again haha ..im just jealous i suppose haha :whistles:

well thanx 4 reading my rant
big hugs 2 u all xxx
Titch xxxxxxx

28-08-08, 23:36
It is of no comfort I know but we do have periods like this. They usually, for me any, follow a good period where we feel we are making progress and i think that is why they hit all the harder as you don't see them coming. It will pass but as I said that is no comfort at the moment.

It can't be an easy time at the moment and the wedding will no doubt be having an affect on you. Hopefully at the very latest when it is passed you will pick up again.

Take care about going back to work too soon. If you are ready then it is definitely the best thing but if not then it may set you back if you push yourself into a situation you are not comfortable being in.

All the best


28-08-08, 23:36
hiya titch hun, u rant away matey it always feels better after. sometimes going back to work is the best thing even thought we feel like its the worst. if u can get over the agoraphobia and go to work then u will begin to feel more positive and happier in your self and meet people and start to have more fun, things will begin to come together.

sometimes if we feel lonely our ex's can play on our minds and if we see them happy and moving on it makes us feel worse but u will feel better hun i promise and then your ex will just b a pain from the past hehe.

hugs and we all here for u xxx

28-08-08, 23:44
Thanx Nechtan and donna u always both reply and help me .

im just confused at the moment as dont know wether im ready 4 work but will i ever be ready ....and am i feeling like this because of wedding etc or just having a set back like most people do ..........i think i think 2 much haha x

I agree donna that being lonely and seing ex happy is very hard ....My ex is a good person and deserves a happy future and has a lovely new partner but deep down I want that aswell but just cant se it ever happening ..i mean 35 and single im not much of a catch am i x
thanx again both xxxx

29-08-08, 00:10
At the moment it might not be the right time but when you are better your options will widen- you still have a long lot of life ahead of you. Never say never as you just don't know who is waiting out there. I was a good few years single before I met my wife. The time and place were just right and it happened when I least expected it. That is just the way of it sometimes.

I'm 36 years old and were I single and looking for a lady around the same age as I myelf to meet then I would expect the majority rather than minority to have children. That won't be a problem but is also for another day. Your main focus at the moment is getting back your life and hopefully with the CBT that is what you will start to do. All the rest will fall into place later.

I can relate to your work dilemma. We know what we want to do but there is always that thing nagging at us and holding us back. It is the anticipation more that the action itself which is hardest to handle.

Take care for now


29-08-08, 00:13
I count my blessings my ex of 20 years is gone. Let him cheat on someone else for a change.

29-08-08, 00:27
Thanx nechtan ......I know i must focus on gettin better and that hopefully with CBt is what Im going 2 do ...just wished I had some1 here 2 talk 2 and have a hug from on my bad days ....im used 2 being n my own now have been 6years ..unfortunately 4 me my partner has becum a bottle of wine but I have also took steps 2 sort that out ....Work is an issue as I want 2 go bak but dont know if Im ready but is that just my anxiety taking over .....I keep thinkin 1 more week and I will go back but cant keep doing that as have a mortgage 2 pay on my own.

Glad u got rid of yr ex sheryl but i cant say bad stuff about mine cus he a gud person and we just wernt ment 2 be 2 getha ..sometimes wud have been easier if he was horrible but hes not .....hope u have met sum1 new and gud m8y xxx

Hope 2
29-08-08, 17:51
Hi Titch

NOT MUCH OF A CATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How very dare you lol, no more talk of such nonsense d'yah hear :winks: , yr a proper sweetie ok !!!

Try not to dwell on the single stuff and focus on gettin yrself well eh xx Like some1 else said, you often meet someone special when we least expect it, I know I did. When we r low and anx etc, we tend to think of ourselves in a bad light, no matter wot others say. When u r well again, u will radiate mate with happiness, and then if u still want one, im sure there is a fella just waiting to snap yer up ok xx

Patience hun (god i sound like 97)
Luv Julia xx

29-08-08, 18:01
Hiya jules .....i thought u were 97 lol ..

I dont dwell on bein single honest ..im very used 2 it 2 be honest just think my exs wedding has bought it 2 lite that god im still single after 6 years ..im pushed way back on that shelf lol.

I agree that wen u are anx etc u think low of yourself cus i have nothin about me i like ...i know thats like aww sob sob story but There isnt ..but hopefully that will improve wen im better xxx