View Full Version : The most awful thought.

Malton Seadog
29-08-08, 00:07
I just, for some obscure reason, thought that I might not love my girlfriend who I adore and have been with for two years.

I realise this is just the anxiety giving me irrational thoughts, but it was very upsetting.

Has anyone else ever experienced such upsetting thoughts?

29-08-08, 09:49
Yes all the time, flipping anxiety:ohmy: .Just try and ignore them, the more we worry about them the more they come.
Take care

29-08-08, 10:09
Yes, i think sometimes because of the anxiety I feel quite numb and then think oh god I must not love my boyfriend but it isn't true. I think you are right it is just an irrational thought.

Malton Seadog
29-08-08, 10:34
It's very upsetting.

Even today I'm having the same thoughts now and again. It's really winding me up.

Maybe when I next see her it'll be better. It's perhaps worse because she's not here at the moment.

29-08-08, 10:58
It is upsetting to think that you don't have control over your thoughts- but the thing to bare in mind is that we all question ourselves regularly about what we are doing- its part of our human consciousness to have cognitive ability, and to reflect. What's more intimidating is when you try to block out the thoughts or try to to rationalise them with no real answers- its just creates anxiety around them. The facts are that you do love your partner- you are involved with her, you probably see a future with her, and you have a history with her- you are in love and your thoughts are perfectly "normal". If anything, i would suggest that it shows how much you do care for her that you are worrying about your commitment to her- she obviously means a huge deal to you, and you care deeply about loving her in the right way.

Best Wishes xx

Malton Seadog
29-08-08, 11:02
That's a lovely way to think of it. Thank you.

29-08-08, 16:25
All I can say is don't let those irrational negative thoughts, let you lose the person you love!! By making what could be a wrong decision :-(