View Full Version : Are my symptoms normal?

29-08-08, 04:25
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can relate to some of the symptoms I experience during my panic attacks.

The worst one I have ever had was while being a passenger driving on the highway about 5-6 mths ago. It came out of nowhere! First, I became nauseated and began to stir in my seat feeling very unsettled. I felt like there was an anvil on my chest, the very tops of my shoulders were extremely tense and began tingling in my hands and feet.

Before I knew it, the tingling progressed all the way up my arms past my elbows, up my legs and past my knees to my chest and what really freaked me out was my feet aggressively turned inwards, my fingers could hardly bend. At this point I felt like my body was just shutting down and I couldnt move. My fingers became so stiff and curled, I was holding a water bottle and I completely without any effort twisted the bottle completely (empty). My speech slurred so bad I could hardly get words out properly no matter how hard I tried. I could hardly breathe at this point and no matter what I did just couldnt stop the escalating- it all just happened so fast!

I didnt know what was happening to me because it was my first attack, I literally felt like I was having a seizure or something, it was terrifying, I cant even begin to describe it. I hope to never experience it to such degree again. :shrug:

Since then, I have experienced (once/week) I guess you can say "mild" attacks. First feelings of nausea, heaviness in my chest, then tingling begins through my hands and fingers stiffen up. I start to hyper ventilate almost. The harder I try to keep my breathing normal the worse it seems to get, then follows dizzy spells, light headedness-almost like I lose focus and everything begins to spin. I start to become very anxious. I need to get up and walk, I pace, feel like I need to go to the washroom, grab a glass of water...

Once it passes I am extremely tired, I feel like someone just sucked the energy right out of me, its crazy! Has anyone else had such an experience? Are these symptoms "normal" for a panic attack?

Thanks in advance. :winks:

29-08-08, 07:01
These are very common symptoms of anxiety. I am really tired after an attack too. You are not alone.
Take care.

29-08-08, 09:54
I have these symptoms too sometimes im very tired after an attack or on an unusual "high" x

29-08-08, 10:09
all your symptoms were caused by hyperventilating, that's why you felt tingly and your body tensed up,
it can cause symptoms such as numbness or tingling in the hands, feet and lips, lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, chest pain, slurred speech .
The quickest way to reduce the symptoms of hyperventilation is to breathe into a paper bag

29-08-08, 16:27
^^A paper bag is an amazing suggestion! I think I need to go pick one up. Should you breathe both in and out of the bag? What would be the proper way to use it?

29-08-08, 17:51
Very common indeed. The way we process things are what cause our anxiety and led you to start hyperventilating making it grow worse and worse. Join a cbt group or read a cbt book like the one by Sam Obitz (we used this on to start my group) and start countering your thoughts in a TEA form and you will soon start to feel better if you work on them every day. Many thoughts we have that cause anxiety are automatic ones that come out of the blue that we formed when we were young that we are not necessarily conscious of and once we identify them, identify the common errors of thought we are making that cause the anxiety and then replace the process with a more realistic thought the anxiety begins to dissipate. Take care and I hope you get a handle on your anxiety soon

29-08-08, 19:24
I would go to a doctor and at least describe what happened. It probably is anxiety related. But it wouldn't hurt to check.

29-08-08, 20:10
Poor you, sounds like classic panic attacks to me, but do let your doc check you over just to confirm this. The paper bag does help but you need to breath in and out of it for a good few mins for it to help you
Hope you feel better soon

29-08-08, 22:32
What is the difference between anxiety and panic attacks? is there even a difference? what would you say I am experiencing? :huh:

14-11-08, 17:20
Anxiety is a more general feeling of discomfort that has a wide range of symptoms. While panic attacks are characterized by sudden gripping fear usually followed or accompanied by physical symptoms like the ones you described. I think it is not possible to have panic attacks without suffering from anxiety in general but what you are describing sounds like you are experiencing panic attacks.