View Full Version : Acid Reflux

29-08-08, 08:02
Well along with all my mole worries.... I have more. I have read on here about acid reflux and coughing and throat problems.

Mine started on holiday when I was eating late and drinking more alcohol than ususal. Symptoms are:
Dry Cough, worse in morning and sometimes at night.
feeling of something stuck in my throat and needing to clear it
dry mouth
coughed up a little blood only once
little burping
little bit of burning in my throat
bit sore around my ribs
bit of asthma feeling

I had Helibactor Pilori ( wrong spelling I think) about five years ago and it took me a goo year to get my digestion back to normal.

Feels a little bit like that, trying really hard not to google larynx cancer or any other cancer come to that. Dont smoke but have drunk half a bottle of wine a night for the last 15 years and use loads hairspray.

Have had some antibiotics and with all my mole stress going on at the moment am off to see dermotologist today really don't think I can face the docs again too embarressed.

Any suggestions of anything I could take, does it sound familiar I know alot of these are classic anxiety symptoms and I was anxious when it started.

Many thanks, I am find this sight such a support at the moment. xxxxxxxxxxx

29-08-08, 11:52
Hello, i have just been diagnosed of having acid reflux as i am 19 weeks pregnant i am not convinced by the diagnosis at all but any way, i am convinced i have lung cancer but these are my symptoms that seem to be very similar to yours,

Slight tightness in chest - feels like i have done too much exercise, but i agree a light asthma feeling,
Very blocked up throat, feels like there is a lot of phlegm in the back of my throat and i cannot for the life of me clear it, its driving me nuts. He prescribed Gaviscon which i have been taking for a day so i will let you know if it helps. Chin up we both know nothing is wrong its just i cant except it but i know exactly how your feeling


29-08-08, 12:47
It is so nice to know you are not alone, I am going to buy some gaviscon today and some heartburn tablets....I have an appt with my anxiety GP in about 2 weeks. I am going to try to hold on till then before going back, also watch what I eat and no alcohol and see if it improves. I am sure you are right and we have nothing to worry about. Hope you feel better soon, let me know how you are doing.

29-08-08, 22:39
Please try not to worry about this, ive had acid reflux badly for about 4 or 5 yrs, I take meds off dr [lansoperazole] every day, if I know im going to drink wine or have curry like today I take my normal tablet in the morning then another an hour before indulging, its safe for me to do this as I used to be on 30mg a day and im now on 15mg by my own choice. Ive had in the past and still get a few times a year pain in my chest that is like a heart attack, its very scary but I know now that it is the reflux, if i ever have a heart attack though i probably wouldnt know the difference as they can be the same so the medics tell me. Gaviscon may help, if not its worth going to the dr, its not something you need to suffer from, mine was way worse when I had gallstones but had my gallbladder out and thankfully its controlled with the meds now.

Good luck x

30-08-08, 08:52
Thanks for your reply, I have gallstones to. I am sure our holiday started this my body had been a temple until then. All of a sudden drinking wine and eating at 10 at night straight to bed after. Still you always think the worst don't you. I am trying so hard not the think of C word but still its always there at the back of your mind. When I think of all the years I have spent worrying instead of enjoying life I think its so sad. I wish I could kick this.