View Full Version : Bad day yesterday!

29-08-08, 09:15
As some of you may remember I have/had a huge fear of lymphoma.I am now loads better about that but still on the list for CBT and still worrying about my health but as i say not as bad---well until yesterday!!
I get Classic migraines---the ones which start with blurry vision.
Same pattern each time, and one about every 3/4 months although i am on daily dosage of pizotifen so they MAY be a lot worse if i wasnt.
I got myself a little job 5 weeks ago---just cleaning in a local school but it is getting me out and i am enjoying it!! Anyhow, my biggest worry here isnt the lymphoma(though it still niggles away at the back of my mind but a year on i am still here with the same symptoms so i am accepting maybe the doctors were right!!)I am now worrying about getting a migraine whilst at work!!!
Yesterday, when i got home i started with one. I was suppose to be in this morning but still not feeling 100%(as they take for me about 24/48 hrs for me to be back to normal) so i have had to ring in sick.
I have got myself in a right state thinking they will think badly of me cos i am ill and what will i do if i get one at work. I only actually do 2.5 hours a day!!
I havent been getting enough sleep recently and know that without 8 hours i will end up getting a migraine before too long(which proves it this week ha ha!!!).This is my first day off and OH says everyone is entitled to be ill!!!
Thanks for any help re my anxiety about being ill at work xx

29-08-08, 09:22
Meant to add I have been getting the migraines since i was 14----so 30 years!!!My GP reckons they will cease when i start the menopause---roll on!!!! These, dont really worry me that much it is just the fear of getting one at work and also of being off sick!!!

29-08-08, 18:08

First I want to tell you that you are doing great for getting a job and getting out. I told you that you could do it.

Also glad to hear that you are not prodding and poking at your glands so much these days.

Don't feel bad, if you have a migraine it is okay to take the day off. Just stop worrying about it and get back to work as soon as you can. People call in sick with much less things than a migraine.

You are on the right road and need to stay focussed. I think the job is helping you tremendously so hang in there.

I've really missed talking to you in chat. Do you still want to be penpals??

Anyway, take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon.


29-08-08, 18:53
Congrats on the job. 2.5 hours is a start. Hope you are feeling better.