View Full Version : Bad dreams...

29-08-08, 10:28
I often dream things that coincidentally do come true in real life.

Recently i had a dream about my ex boyfriend from 15 years ago (i've not had a dream about him ever before). He now lives in another country (long way away) and has done for more than 10 years, i've had no contact since the split in 1993. Anyway, after my dream, i thought i'd search for him online. I had done before on various "social" websites but i found nothing. This time i found him so i emailled him and asked if he remembered me. Two days later i got a response. He was here, in the UK for the first time since he had left 10 years ago. So, two things that are strange here. First one is that he had been on this social website for FOUR years, but when searching it before, i never saw him and secondly, how bizaare he was in this country when i had the dream.

This is my problem.

I keep having horrible dreams about my mother getting REALLY sick and in some dreams she has passed away in them. I get at least 4 a week for the last year. I am really scared because my mother has found out that she needs a scan/tests because she has had bad pains in her stomach for a good couple of months. She told me yesterday she is convinced that she has something terminal going on in there because she feels so ill.

I cried and cried last night thinking that maybe i am predicting something bad happening to my mother.

UPDATE: I have just made a call to get the first of her test results back and i've had to make an appointment for TODAY, there is something wrong.

Hope 2
29-08-08, 17:59
Oh Belle

I really hope the results are clear, how worrying for you both.

Will keep everything crossed xx
Hope xx

29-08-08, 18:49
VEry interesting about your ex. Did you hook up?