View Full Version : Its coming back!!

29-08-08, 10:31
Hi everyone,

i have not posted on here for a while as i have been feeling a lot better and have been on holiday for 2 weeks to cornwall. Back in Febuary i had a panic attack and since then i have had terrible anxiety, strange thoughts, depersonalisation and depression i went to the doctors on April 10 and he prescribed me citalopram 10mg i was on these for arond 3.5 months and i felt really good i even started skipping them because i wasnt focused on anxiety all the time. While on holiday i forgot to take them for 2 days instead of taking them again i thought i feel good i might as well stop them and i have for 4 weeks. I have been feeling okay until the last week, i lost alot of money in the casino stupidly last friday i think this caused alot of stress last weekend cause i was so dissapointed in myself as i want to set up my own bussiness but keep wasteing money. So last weekend i started feeling anxiety again and restlessness etc. Then on Wednesday i found out my girlfriend is pregnant it wasnt planned and i really did s**t mayself when she told me as all thoughts started rushing around my head, i cant afford it? i live at home with my dad im going to have to find a house! i cant start a bussiness now i need to stay in my steady job thet i dont like:blush: .

I feel as though im slipping back to that horrible place again and i dont want to and i dont really want to go back on the tablets as i have been doing well without and i dont want to rely on tablets.

I think im scared aswell thinking what if i do slip back and i cant feel right again etc..

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