View Full Version : Wish i new why this is happening.

29-08-08, 11:43
Hello, i am 18 weeks 4 days pregnant with a little boy, since 12 weeks i have developed a lot of worryies and anxiety and irrational thoughts about me dying of cancer related illnesses etc. I finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctor today for 2 reasons 1 i have a pressure in my chest that wont go away and me being me convinced myself it was lung cancer and also to talk about the anxiety. I explained that i have been very scared about dying and not getting to see the baby etc and luckily he wasnt looking at me like i needed to be put away. He said this is the way i am venting any negative isues etc and my way of dealing with everything that is going on etc. Since coming back from the doctors i have developed this blocked up feeling in my throat and a heavy feeling in my chest that feels like i have done too much exercise, i am abolutely convinced its lung cancer and im really struggling to deal with things.

Its annoying cos i just want to enjoy this magical time

29-08-08, 11:56
Sounds like anxiety alright.

Alas,at the moment pregnancy related anxiety and depression are going unnoticed by Drs and it seems a taboo subject, especially when Medication is involved.

You will need to see another Dr before this ruins your pregnancy, you want to be in the right frame of mind and enjoy yourself.

If you are new to Anxiety symptoms they can be very upsetting and real!

A heavy chest and pain is common along with throat problems (blocked feeling, can't swallow and dry or excess saliva)

With anxiety you tend to think your "symptoms" will always be caused by something sinister and life threatening, always! because that's what you are scared of, you brain will tell you anything!

You should go to another Dr and seek some councelling, trust me it does not mean you are nutty!

I have been on medication for 8 years and I now have to deal with the fact that I might not be able to take them when I want a baby...... I have thoughts just like yours off my meds only x 20.... i thought I had cancer to aids to brain problems, went backon my medication and now I'm back to normal and all those "REAL" symptoms have gone and I am still alive.

Good luck, see another Dr and demand treatment.

x xx

29-08-08, 12:02
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I felt exactly the same things when pregnant with my daughter two years ago , I promise you
I would guess this is stemming from the anxiety of becoming a parent/having a new baby , the responsibility etc

My CPN told me that she sees more new/expectant parents with anxiety issues than in any other group

I have had this symptom and it IS NOT lung cancer , really and truly!

H x

29-08-08, 12:04
Hello Joyce thank you for your response, i have gone through some really dark times the past 2 months i was convinced i have HIV even though i have no reason, cervical cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer due to a mole and finally lung cancer. I used to smoke and gave up when i found out i was pregnant and although the doctor has assured me i have acid reflux ( hmmm) i really want him to do an xray and tell me i dont have a tumour but i guess that isnt going to happen. I was crying my eyes out this morning and i coughed when i woke up and it was a little chesty, a year ago this wouldnt have even made me think twice but now im like im convinced im going to die. Its the worst feeling in the world :(


29-08-08, 12:09
You know my hubby does not really understand how unwell we get.. everything you have just told me is the same damn thing I did to myself when I came off meds to try for a baby.

After 4 months I went back on meds against my hubbys wishes and now I am back to normal.....but what do I do now, I feel like having kids again and I couldn't live with myself if i caused my baby a problem.

My hubby wont talk to me about this situation anymore as he said no meds........

Hmm the only way I knew how to sort of cope with the worry was reasurrance all the time but aparrantly that's worse for us?

I wish I had a magic wand.

29-08-08, 12:13
My partner isnt keen for me to go on any meds when im pregnant and although its killing me i will try and cope, he keeps giving me reassurance and although i say thank you it doesnt mean anything as i know he has no idea how much of a struggle this is. Would you mind explaining the physical symptoms for me so i have an idea, as i would never hae know that anxiety can cause chest pains

29-08-08, 12:18
Your muscles tighten up and when your body suffers from a constant state of fear the excess adrenaline and cortisone start to act on the body in various ways.

I had a dull ache under my left rib and I felt like I needed to swallow a lot and for a little while it feels like there is a ball in your oesophogus.

And the bad acid taste also in the middle of the night I woke up and had pain in my chest like it was broken or on fire.

29-08-08, 12:37
Its funny how it can cause physical symptoms. I have a doctors appointment on the 10th so i will discuss what he thinks as he is a lovely doctor, if he doesnt help me i will swap doctors. Thank you for your advice its been a great help, i just hope it gets better shortly as i dont think i am going to enjoy the pregnancy until i get some help.

29-08-08, 14:23
I have been through so many symptoms that were real, I just can't get my head around how on earth the body manages to do this to itself.

Amazing I tell you.

Hope 2
29-08-08, 18:15
Hey Tash

Oh I really feel for you, I am sure you are so scared.

Joyce is spot on with all she said and I wouldn't even attempt to add anything about the physical stuff. I just wanted to let u know, I developed severe anxiety when I was expecting my little girl. I am sure it was the impending responsibility. Anxiety can make us feel so many different things that feel sooooo real, when in fact they are nothing, nothing at all to worry about. Anxiety is the cause. Not cancer. Not hiv. I know it's so hard but u will be okay, and well done for getting help from GP, it's not easy.

Take it easy if u can
This is just a sign your gonna be a fab Mum.
Hope xx

29-08-08, 19:29
Hope you feel better soon.