View Full Version : Dont know what to do

29-08-08, 14:07
I have beaten almost every symptom this has thrown at me. Heres my dilema, I work with a really nasty person who has said some really hateful things to me like its funny how crazy I am and she hopes I die. The other week she spit water in my face and laughed at me. I did tell the upper management but they did nothing to alleviate the situation. It has gotten so bad in the past, she is what caused my nervous breakdown. What I want to know is, how can I stand up to her and let these panic attacks go away every time I see her. I get so gut wretching nervous when I see her I get dizzy and the whole panic comes flooding back. Please dont advise me to quit, I cant afford it and the economy is to slow right now. I am going to the very top of management today, but until then or if anything gets resolved does anyone have any idea how to calm myself? I can do it in any other panic situation but this. Please help, I need to sleep again. Sorry for the lng post.:weep:

29-08-08, 15:24
Aww hun,

How awful for you to have to go through this, my only advice would be to do exactly what you are doing and take it right to the top, get a letter of your doc to say you are feeling stressed about this, are you with a union in work, i think ignoring this horrible person is probably the right thing to do but i also can understand how hard that is, you could confront her and ask her what her problem is but somehow i think that may just make things worse.

Take it to the top, and make a record of all the things she says and does, the time of it and the date, this nasty person needs to be sacked.
It is down to the company to stop any bullying, hang in there and see her out.

I hope it gets sorted real quick for you.

Di xx

29-08-08, 16:24

It sounds as though you work with a right a******e, excuse my language. It is not acceptable and you are well within your rights to complain to your managers and to expect them to deal with it. I am sure it is very unnerving for you, and I know confrontations are not easy but I would be inclined to ask this jerk how she would feel if someone behaved towards her like that and said the awful things to her that she has said to you. Maybe it will prick her conscience.

Don't quit, you are a better person than her, and you should not be made to feel intimidated into leaving your job.

I am not sure I have written anything you would want to hear, but I feel so annoyed that you having to experience panic attacks because of her.

Good luck with it, I hope that your managers give you the support that you are entitled to.

Take care


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29-08-08, 16:38
That is absolutely awful. You are doing the right thing by taking it further. Stand your ground and try not to let this person get to you. It seems they have the problem and their own issues. Easier to take it out on someone else, rather than face their demons. You hang in there and tell yourself, that you are worth a lot more than them.