View Full Version : Having an attack right now

29-08-08, 14:29
I am having a really bad attack at the moment and have come on here to calm down if possible. Have just been on the verge of calling an ambulance - pains in chest, dizziness, hard to catch my breath. Feel so overwhelmed - on my own in the house with 2 children - petrified that I'm having a heart attack and something is going to happen to me now! I swear that it's not a panic attack this time. How many times have I told myself this?? Been going on for about half an hour now. Just need to rationalise this - HELP!!!!

29-08-08, 14:34
Ok honey take a deep breath and relax, I know its easier said than done but breathe deep in for a count of 7 hold for 3 and out for 7. I know you are not dying I have been there and I know how scared you are right now. Think of something else, anything, go talk to the kids, wash a dish anything to occupy your mind. Drink some water. Break something if it will make you feel better. It is a panic attack and you have beaten this before and you will now.

29-08-08, 14:41
Thank you - I'm starting to calm down a little now. It's really started to get me down - start back work on Monday as well so the stress of that probably isn't helping. After 6 weeks at home the kids are starting to argue constantly which stresses me out! Thanks for your post - I feel a lot better xx

29-08-08, 14:42
try holding your breath or breath into a paper bag, put on some fun, happy music! run up the stairs and then tell your self all your symptoms are from running up the stair! call a friend.

29-08-08, 14:45
Hi Becky

How are you feeling now. It really does sound like you are having a panic attack just try to relax and find a distraction. Just try to remember that this will pass and everything is going to be fine Becky.


29-08-08, 14:52
Thank you so much everyone. Feeling a lot better now, symptoms are starting to subside now. It's so reassuring knowing that other people go through this - feels so irrational!

29-08-08, 14:55
Hi Becky

So please you are feeling better
