View Full Version : still waiting for sons ultrasound!

29-08-08, 15:26
Hi i posted here before about my 19 month old son having a small lump on his back, he had x-rays done which came back fine. Its 5 weeks since we saw the consultant and we're still waiting for his scan appointment to come through. Every day i'm expecting a letter to arrive with his appointment. This is turning me into a complete wreck. I'm obviously not letting my kids see how worried i am but its getting increasingly hard, i wake up every morning feeling very very low. I have had reassurance from the consultant that he does'nt think its anything serious but as most of you will know thats not always enough. I know i have a real problem with my anxiety and i desperately want some help to deal with it, this is seriously impairing my quality of life.

29-08-08, 22:36
Hi Rainbow

It must be so hard for you hun with all that worry. Even though the consultant as said he dosnt think its anything serious(which im sure he will be right) it dosnt stop us worrying about our loved ones. I hope the appointment comes through for you soon hun.

Sending you and your son a hug

29-08-08, 22:43

Your previous post is here....