View Full Version : weird problems and i dont know whats wrong

29-08-08, 17:57
hello! im a 19 year old female with no history of anxiety whatsoever. it all starts about 3 weeks ago. i had joint pain, muscle soreness and my lymph nodes were rock hard. i thought it was a little weird but ignored it. i thought i might of just picked up a bug or something like that. a week ago, out of the blue while at a movie with my bf, i had a huge full blown panic attack. it lasted about 45 minutes. i didnt know what was wrong so i had my bf take me to the store to get some aspirin. we got home and i was fine. ate some food, didnt worry about it and knocked out. the next thing i know its morning and i have another panic attack. smaller this time. maybe only 20 minutes long and not as bad. i was like, "man this is really weird!" i calmed down by talking to my bf and was fine and fell asleep. the next day i went to my house, telling my mom what happened. she thought it was strange too cause thats never happened to me and im not the type to get anxious about anything at all. then after that, everything got worse. i stopped having the attacks, but the adreniline was pumping for no reason. it pumped the whole day almost, causing me to get hungry every hour. my blood sugar dropped so low, about 53, and i went to the ER. they simply said, "if you feel this way drink some sweet juice and go back to bed." problem is, the adreniline kept me from sleeping. i went withou sleep for two days straight, causing me to feel worse. then for no reason, the adreniline went away. also this whole time, i hadnt been able to go to the bathroom at all. i went to the doctor. she basicaly said that i have anxiety disorder and gave me pills and sent me home. i asked her if i can have a blood test and she said ok. that night, i decided "well since i cant sleep ill try to take a hot bath. maybe that will help my body go to sleep." so i took an epsom salt bath. i felt great and so i went to sleep. 2 hours later, i wake up, hallucinating, and with a fever, sweating like crazy, and went to the bathroom and pooped like crazy. i felt like i was going to faint. no anxiety feeling whatsoever, i just felt really sick. in my poop was this white mucus (i hope im not grossing anyone out). i had never seen that before. the next day i got the results from my blood test. everything was fine. thyroid, hemoglobin, everything. the only thing that was all weird was my neutrophils and my lymphocytes (netrophils were high by 10 and lymphocytes were low by 10)...........which typically means your body is trying to fight some sort of infection. my doctor said it was normal and sent me home yet again. i was starting to get upset because i felt sick and i KNOW theres something up, especially at the fact that i couldnt go, cause i never have problems with that believe me. and by that time my parents were p****d off at me because id keep them awake. my dad told me, "the next time you wake up in the middle of the night, deal with it yourself. dont come bug us, were trying to sleep." great huh. that night i went to the bathroom, and my poop was like pure mucus. poop mixed with mucus. it was so weird. and i thought, "why would my body be straining over this????" i was so exausted after that i fell asleep. the next morning i woke up and had to go to the bathroom again. when whipe-ing i saw weird red squiggly lines in my poop, kinda congested in one area. i thought to myself, "hmmm.....i havent eaten anything red lately at all....and ive never seen this before. weird." i told my doctor and she said that its prolly just something i ate. but i hadnt eaten anything with that type of thing in it. that night when i went to my bed, i pulled open my covers and found this weird squiggly string thing with little red blobs stuck to it. it resembled what was in my poop except this was white, not red. i thought "weird" yet again. cause i had never seen that before. the next day i sent it to the lab for it to be looked at along with poop sample to check for parasites. im still waiting for those results. then, two days ago, out of no where, my lungs stopped breathing to full compacity. i feel like theres something sitting on my chest. ive had that for the past 3 days. i have slight weezing too. i have snot but it wont come out. i try to cough it out but i end up choking on it and it goes back down. i now have a pain behind my left breast. a dull pain along with my lymphs being sore again. i have no more adreniline though at all and no inner anxiety. the only "anxious" feeling i have is wanting to know what the heck is up with my body. my doctor gave me anxiety pills too but they dont work at all. so im starting to think that i might have some sort of infection, and ive heard in many many places that sometimes in reaction to a infection is anxiety and panic attacks. and unfortunatly, once you mention the word "anxiety" to anyone or doctors, everything you say after that means nothing and they just automaticaly assume you have anxiety. really, i know my body very well, and i truely feel like the anxiety i had was my body reacting to something, and telling me "hey, you have a problem here, go get checked out before it gets worse." have any of you heard of panic attacks caused by infections??? id really appriciate it if somebody would give me an opinion. (btw sorry this is so long and descriptive :D )

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29-08-08, 19:17
Wow, you said a mouthful there. I hope that you are feeling a little better. You probably need a good meal and a good night's sleep.

29-08-08, 19:23
haha, sorry i said so much. yea, ive been taking ambien to help me sleep, only if i really cant sleep do i take it. im slowly feeling better. just cant breath well. but hopefully with good sleep the next few days ill get better. and im going to the ocean tomorrow so hopefully that ocean air will help my breathing somewhat. thanks for the help. :D

30-08-08, 04:32
Seems you are struggling with both an infection and anxiety.
I don't think your infection causes your anxiety directly.
But al the symptoms from your stomach problems and the bizarre toilet experiences are probably making you very alert.

I get this all the time. If I have an aching tooth, catch the flu, having headaches etc etc, I always have more anxiety because I pay attention to physical changes and start the process of catastrophy thinking.

30-08-08, 16:28
Whoa, very recently I had mucousy poop as well. It was like part of the poo that looked slimey. It wasn't blood. It was light yellow and just...slimey.

31-08-08, 06:20
yea, this was weird tho, cause it wasnt just like, poop with mucus on it. it was poop and mucus mixed together in some sloppy slimey goop. ew. and yea, i think i am more anxious cause i dont know whats going on, AND im on my period. that never helps with anything hahaha