View Full Version : Going down hill

16-05-05, 16:18
Hi gang its me again wingeing,although i cant even spell the word Im doing it!!
a few weeks ago I felt as if things were OK, i had accepted the fact this was what I suffered from, i wasent alone, I found this site and got on with life, I hadent been out other than work and shopping for a year but that was life, I didnt like it but i had it, but then after changing medication I seemed to feel different about things and actually WANTED to do more, I went to a christening after receiving support from here, I was happy about it although I hadent stayed all the time Id done it,
I was prepared mentally to go to see Rod who cancelled, I went with my daughter yesterday to do a parachuth jump.I didnt do it lol she did,then we went for an indian, first time id been out to eat in a year, and we had a couple of drinks and it was mentioned about going over the road to a quiet pub for more drinks, I never hesitated I went, I had a good nite, came home and ran into chat to brag, BUT all weekend and even most of last week I have this feeling my heart is outside my chest and is beating ten times tooo fast, I feel nervous and weepy, am I doing too much? am I going backwards, What a moaner i am but twice in a week Ive had to come home from work early, just talk to me guys, love Alexis

16-05-05, 16:31
Hi Alexis,

It's great to hear that you've been wanting to do things and have been! Could these feelings be from your new drug whilst settling down?
I too have been feeling pretty well just lately and getting out a bit more until yesterday when I had a panic attack and felt very anxious and weepy just like you! Remember, whilst you're getting better as pointed out from others on here, we do go through "blippy" periods that will settle again. I am feeling a bit strange today after a bad day yesterday, I've just been laying watching TV and resting with a feeling of worry looming over me but I'm just accepting it and hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Mark x

16-05-05, 17:04
Hi Alexis hun,

your chest is prob tight due to all the pressure of christening, sometimes once the event is over and you relax thats when it hits you, when you go to yoga ask instructor for some breathing exersizes mine gave me some to try and relax my chest a bit, and told me to say words on the out breath like calm, relaxed, warm etc, it worked for me so ask, any way i will catch u later hun,

kairen x

16-05-05, 17:29
Hi Alexis

You have being doing really great and achieved so much and wanted to aswell. Dont push yourself too hard though and wear yourself out.

You are doing really well and you will get the occasional blip but you actually are wanting to do things which is a lot better than having to push yourself.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-05-05, 17:48
Hi Alexi,
when i read your post, i felt so proud of all you had achieved, maybe, just maybe you could slow down a tiny bit and perhaps pamper yourself, don't try to achieve everything in one go, sit back relax, look back over what you have done lately, and then plan something soon, we don't have to do major things everyday although i think the pressure is on to do just that. p.s. darling, i still love rod more than you! xxxxx

16-05-05, 19:08

Small steps - achieve those steps, be comfortable with them before moving on.

You are doing just fine.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-05-05, 21:34

We all have these set-backs or blips but it always two steps forward and one back, and that is steady progress.

You are doing so well so don't forget that ok. Please stick at it ok and praise yourself for what you have done so far.

Here's a pint mate and a hug


16-05-05, 21:53
Hi Alexis

You've been doing so well and achieved so much at the weekend. These little setbacks are normal for all of us but you'll soon pick yourself up again and keep progressing. Just take it slowly and don't feel you have to do it all at once.

I am sure you will get there.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

16-05-05, 22:10

We are all here to support you and help you through those bad days so dont forget that.

Just remember how well you have being doing and you have wanted that and succeeded. I think you are doing really well.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-05-05, 22:54
Hang in there Alexis. Take things slowly and we are all here for you. :D

17-05-05, 00:46
Hi Guys, i would just like to say thanks to all of u for your replies, support and advice.
Meg i think your words were wonderful, everybodies were though, but yours hit home
""Small steps - achieve those steps, be comfortable with them before moving on.""
in one way I think I have become a bit clever, I have moved tooo fast,i planned the christening, all back ups etc and I carried it out, to a certain degree, so a week later I did 2 big things, ate out and went to the pub, the quietest in town lol, but I do not think I had got over the first hurdle before i Jumped the second, if that makes sense. I will not give in, especially this early in my recovery but neither will I go forward yet, I was once told by my councillor it is OK to tread water and I think that is what I will do for a few days or week.
I hope this makes sense thanks again to everybody, love alexis

[8D]PS carlin, no, never, remember Ive got his autographed photo on my wall, AND I Touched his feet in paris,you admitted I was top of his fan list,

17-05-05, 09:52
Hi Alexis

You have achieved a lot in a short space of time. I think what your suggesting sounds great and you should take it easy for a while.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.