View Full Version : burning sensation

29-08-08, 19:55
hi everyone i keep getting a burning sensation under my skin in my right leg and left arm and shoulder into my fingers ? the dr said it was nerve pain from anxiety!and he gave me some amitriplyine 10mg to take.ive taken them for a week so its only early days,has anybody experienced this ? what could it be? or should i except its frm the nerves in my body....:unsure:

30-08-08, 00:40
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I have had this, on the tops of my arms and the tops of my legs, I have also had this on the side of my face. I have allso read some threads on this under the symtpoms pages. YOU ARE NOT ALONE hun, please don't think this.

Of course, your gp is RIGHT.

t is due to the nervous system.

The nervous system is a very large complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

I hope this has reasured you hun :hugs:I know its dame hard for you, BUT, please, please, don't worry, it will go. I am panic high anxiety free because of this great site, but had this symptom the other day, mmm, going through some probs at the mo, so to me, this is a little anxiety symptom to me, its not a problem for me, I know what it is and I know it will pass, it always does. Yours will go to hun, :hugs: