View Full Version : Will I be ok?

29-08-08, 21:48
Hi everyone

Some of you may remember that my daughter was stillborn in December 2006 at 38+5wks and I went on to have a miscarriage in July 07. I am now 13 weeks pregnant and terrified.

I have suffered from severe anxiety for years and hormones play a big part in how bad I am. I am so grateful to be pregnant again (I'm 39 and suffer from polycystic ovaries) but just want to sleep to block everything out.

Every day I check hundreds of times to make sure I'm not bleeding, I get a headache and convince myself its high blood pressure etc etc.

Today I've had a headache all day and have just sat taking my pulse convincing myself that I might be going to have a stroke. The more anxious I get the faster my pulse was and it settled at around 80bpm when resting.

What can I do to stop this - its driving me mad.

Nikki x

29-08-08, 22:47
Hi im reall sorry that you are feeling like this when you should be over the moon, its not suprising though with all that you have been through, can you talk to someone who is caring for your pregnancy? most of us worry when we are pregnant but in your case this will be escalated and who can blame you. Please get some help you have gone through alot and deserve this baby, take care and please get plenty of rest :hugs:

29-08-08, 23:12
Hi Nikki

I am also sorry to hear that you are feeling the way you are and like eljay I can totally understand why. You have been through alot and it isn't suprising that you are worrying so much. This pregnancy should be a happy time for you. Are you getting good support from your Doctor and does he or she know how much you are worrying. I had a miscarriage and the next time I fell pregnant I was just like you checking all the time to make sure nothing was wrong coz I so wanted that baby so I know how you feel.

Please try and relax Nikki and get some rest you deserve to have this baby so please look after yourself and talk to your doctor about how you feel.


30-08-08, 20:36
Thank you both for your words of encouragement.

My GP is pretty good and knows what I am like anyway but just get so cross with myself that I can't do it on my own.

Nikki x

30-08-08, 22:02
You poor thing.

I had 2 children and then had a misscarage, it left me a nervous wreck and I started suffering from extreme health anxiety and depression. I then got pregnant again and worried the pregnancy away to be honest, found it very stressful, I was knicker checking for the olympics I was so paranoid.

Its totally normal to fee like this after what you have been through. Just make sure you take care of yourself, see your midwife or GP if you are ever concerned, they are bound to understand why you are so anxious.

I hope all goes well for you.