View Full Version : help, relapse, scared

29-08-08, 22:06

Over the past couple of weeks I have been feeling quite anxious, particularly spaced out. Today I worked from home as our office had some builders in. I had a totally irrational thought and went into a HUGE panic attack. I felt so wierd though, wierder than I have felt before, has anyone experienced this, is this panic?

I felt totally spaced out, I felt like I was in a tunnel and the world was getting further and further away from me. My head felt heavy and I felt dizzy but it was the tunnel feeling which totally scared me. The other symptoms I have had before but not the tunnel one. I felt like I was going to get trapped in my own mind and then not be in touch with the world and end up alone and lost. I was so scared. I was trembling, couldn't concentrate, i found it hard enough to locate my phone which was in front of me, nothing felt real. I called my cousin, went outside to get some air but the feeling wouldn't go. I felt so trapped because I felt I couldn't be alone yet felt I couldn't go anywhere. I called a cab and managed to get to my cousins,a 40 minute car journey.

I am soooo scared and the biggest thing I am scared about is losing control in my mind and getting lost and being alone and I am also scared of dying and going mad.

I keep thinking it will get better but what if it doesn't what if it gets worse and my fears come true.

29-08-08, 22:13

Yes its not nice feeling like this, it will get better though, or become less frequent. Maybe read some posts on here or symptoms. Your anxiety levels seem very high, causing these feelings.

Try and take some deep breaths and not hyperventilate when this happens.

I would write more and explain more, but at the moment I have tennis elbow and its really painful to type.

PM me if you like.

29-08-08, 22:49

I can totally relate to your post

This is exactly what has happened to me in the past few months when im having a bad panic attack.

please pm me if u wanna chat.

I am so afraid of having another attack like this.

love mandie x

30-08-08, 21:06
I went shopping today and as soon as I got in the door I started to panic. You describe exactly how I feel. I forced myslef to stay, but felt horrible most of the time. You are not alone.