View Full Version : THE VERDICT

Piscian Daydreamer
16-05-05, 17:36
Thanks again for your replies to my problems. I can tell that you lot, despite suffering from anxiety have one thing in common - - - you are all very nice people - perhaps anxiety isn't such a bad flaw if it allows you to appreciate life more?

You lot are right about the virgin thing.... it is not important.
As for my popularity obsession, reading your replies i do agree that i have low self asteem, hence my obsession with working out 24 7.
Thinking about my life, i think my needs to be popular now, is linked to my time at sixth form where i chose really unlucky A levels and ended up on classes full of just boys - and separated from my friends whilst they were all having a great time at the girls school... with girls.

I just wish i could be happy, i really wish i could.......

Reading my posts again about my problems - i sound crazy - i think anyone outside this board would think i was a crazy kid. Thanks again everyone.

16-05-05, 17:45
I really dont think your crazy if you are we all are lol. just try and accept who you are, :D

i really dont think other people are having a much better time of it than you remember the grass is always greener, try doing things just for you, you say you have some good friends well just enjoy them for a change, you dont have to impress people for them to like you,
some time you can try to hard, and have the oppisite effect,

kairen x

16-05-05, 22:18
You are not crazy at all and we do understand how you feel.

Insecurity breads a needing to be loved more than we can imagine and one day that will happen with you and you will know when it is right and will appreciate it for what it is and will look back at this and see it was just a hard learning curve to achieve what you really desired.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-05-05, 22:49
You are definitely NOT crazy. Glad that you have joined the forum!! :D