View Full Version : Sleeping Trouble.

30-08-08, 00:26
Hey does anyone have sleeping problems?
If anyone has any advice on how to get to sleep, what to do if you wake up having a panic attack and any ways of staying asleep (or getting back to sleep?) do you think you could help?
Also, if anybody has any stories which could help with myself or others sleeping problems?
Love Sara x

30-08-08, 01:33
Have had sleeping probs for the last 3 months or so,it could be longer I have lost count to be honest.I don't have a super wonder solution I'm afraid but you do get my sympathy if you are like me and sit up in the small hrs wondering why you can't switch off.
Do you wake up after a few hrs or are you awake most of the night? I tend to fall asleep and either wake up feeling panicky or wake up after say 1/2 hrs and then have to get up and then go back about 4/5 am and sleep then.I went to the doc but won't take the tabs he gave me as I am too scared to take them-mad eh?.
I tend to get panicky and anxious at night and my thoughts race so I know it's that that's the problem.I listen to a radio on classical fm very low so I have something in the background and have cut all drinks out with caffiene late on.I have just bought a Dr Claire Weekes book which folk have recommended on here on how to deal with anxiety and it is very good,I do suggest getting one as it may help.
Don't watch any tv that is upsetting or violent before turning in and don't drink if you can help it.Also don't lay there thinking "oh God I'm awake again",this just fuels the anxiety get up and read or do something peaceful and quiet and before long you will feel sleepy again,don't go back to bed until you feel this way.
Have you tried relaxation music or meditation,they both work for some people.Make sure your bed is ok as it's surprising how the position of it in the room can affect how you feel laying in it.
Hope this has been of help to you,and hope you get some shut eye soon,take care.

30-08-08, 02:05
Having plenty of experince lately, I have a couple tricks:

1--you will get so tired that you will nod off sooner or later. Once I panicked myself to sleep. Actually twice...Which brings me to another point--

2--if you have a panic at night or before going to sleep, what worked for me is that I rode the tiredness to sleep. After the adrenaline burns off it's exhausting and that will help you get to sleep. So know that maybe panicking will help you get to sleep, as mad as that sounds!

3--The best advice I could give is agreeing with mothermac above--don't lay there thinking "I gotta get to sleep!" This just makes it worse. I think--"Well, if I don't get to sleep I will be okay anyway cause I'll be so tired the next day I will fall asleep even if I think I can't." So you literally have to be okay with yourself getting insomina--you have to be okay with getting whatever. This personally gives me such a sense of peace and relief that I don't have to be scared that it relieves all if not most of my sleep anxiety. And boy do I have a lot of sleep anxiety.

Well, used to. I've gotten so used to being sleepy as of late it doesnt' bother me as much.

And I am exhausted at the moment and need to get to sleep. Good night! :D

30-08-08, 03:26
had my first panic when going to sleep, about 3 months back and it was a bad one, thought i'd had a stroke or something at first - bit of a div like that, lol.
i agree that staying up (like i am now) to when most people are waking helps to fall asleep gently and quickly.
if this doesn't suit your daily life, try getting up earlier so you're that bit more tired of a night time.
i work in the construction industry and some evenings im dozing off as soon as i get in if i've worled hard, but when my head hits the pillow, "oh no im goin to have an attack again" sets in and thats that. but this happens few and far between now i'm up at 4-ish. works for me, might for you. it doesn't give me as much time to think

30-08-08, 13:20
I have had trouble sleeping since my anxiety started 4 years ago. At best I wake up a few times during the night and don't feel rested. At worse I can't fall asleep till about 3 and then wake up a few hours later and can't get back to sleep. It is worse when my anxiety is high. This past week I was sleeing 3-4 hours a night for about 4 days. Finally the last 2 nights I have been able to sleep for about 7 hours. I think too much focus on getting sleep makes it worse. I think you need to find what works best for you. Find a night time routine and stick with it. I shower or take a bath, have a cup of tea (sleepy tea) and read or listen to a relaxing CD. Hope this helps.

Take care.