View Full Version : Damn something else now

30-08-08, 01:19
After posting about a wonderful stress free holiday for 2 weeks I come home and end up ill, that I can cope with, cold and chest infection, different heat and air con and all that, anyway went to the drs today as it has been a week and im weezing still, got inhalers and notice a difference after the first 2 doses so good stuff. However I have had a tingling in my leg for a couple of days now, didnt take much notice as ive been feeling pretty crap, didnt think to mention it to DR today, as the day has gone on ive noticed it more, its the right side of my calf and it doesnt hurt but tingles all the time, any ideas?? part of me is thinking ive been on a plane and DVT, I dont want to go through this anxious state again, I have enough to worry about at the moment without HA :lac:

30-08-08, 01:39
Tingling is not a symptom of dvt - you would have terrible pain and hot and swollen leg believe me. I get those strange patches of tingling where I swear something is crawling up my leg- I had one for two weeks on the side of my right calf a few weeks ago. It was so bad I kept swatting my leg thinking there was something crawling up it and it took a few swats for me to realise that it was in same place all the time and nothing there. After a couple of weeks it went away and I have heard other people complain about this in various parts of their body so think its just a body noise and nothing to worrya bout. Bet it goes away in a few weeks.

30-08-08, 08:55
Hello, don't know why you leg is tingling but I do know that with DVT is would be a red hot and swollen and pretty painful. My sisterinlaw had one. Hope this helps I am sure tingly feeling is down to just being more aware when you are in a higher state of alert. For me its my tongue that tingles and my hands. Hope you feel better soon, big hug xxx

30-08-08, 12:41
Thankyou both for your replies, that helps alot x