View Full Version : hello i have just joined..

30-08-08, 01:57
hi everybody my name is debbie and i have just joined. am suffering from anxiety and depression at the moment and start councelling next wed. i am on meds but they dont seem to be doing too much as i now dont feel comfortable outside the home and can only go out with my husband. i feel lost right now and cant work out whats going on, i felt as if i have lived with a mild form of depression all my life but a couple of months ago it got to a point i knew i had to go to the doctors, since then its just got worse and worse with everything intensified. i feel like im going mad... though i assure you im not... i hope anyway :(

30-08-08, 02:08
Hi debbie and welcome along to NMP

sometimes we have to embrace it to get through it. Admitting you have a bigger problem than you maybe wanted to acknowledge has opened the doors, I believe you possess the ability to make it to the other side.

Take care

Pooh x

30-08-08, 10:17
Hi Debbie

I have suffered anxiety now for many years and at the mo am suffering the side effects of medication so feel that i am going mad. The counselling may help you and i wish you all the best. xxx:)

30-08-08, 14:47
thanks guys. site looks good am a little confused by it at the moment but hopefully ill get the hang of it soon x

30-08-08, 15:08
Hi Debbie
Welcome to NMP :welcome:

31-08-08, 17:10
Hi Debbie

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

31-08-08, 17:22
Hi Debbie welcome to nmp
Take care Linda x x x

01-09-08, 12:59
thanks and hello to all, am finding my way around now, its a fantastic site

Veronica H
01-09-08, 13:36
Hi Debbie
Welcome to NMP. You are not going mad. This will get better. Keep going out though, as it is easy to stop doing so at this stage, leading to more problems with doing so later.
Best wishes in your recovery
Veronica H

01-09-08, 18:10
Hi Debbie

Welcome to the site glad you are finding your way around and I hope it can be of help to you.

Take care


01-09-08, 19:47
Hi Debbie,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get support. Glad you found us.

Take care,


milly jones
01-09-08, 20:43
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs:

01-09-08, 20:43
Hi and welcome, you will get lots of advice here, and Im sure make lots of new friends, xxxx

02-09-08, 13:44
Hi mrsdebbie, glad you're finding your way around the site, me too! It's nice to know that there are people out there who can help and support us, although i wouldnt wish anxiety or depression on my worst enemy. Good luck x