View Full Version : Please Help!!! Heart Rate After Rigorous Exercise!

30-08-08, 06:23
I am really nervous...
2 nights ago my heart rate was 45 bpm when I was resting.... Today I went to the gym and I did rigorous exercise... now my resting heart rate is 75 bpm...
I also have a pain on my left breast... and I've been burping for the last 3 days... I am worried about the pain and also.. about the heart rate...
is there a pain related to gases????

30-08-08, 07:35

30-08-08, 20:57
Sounds like its anxiety and gas related to me

Rachey poos
30-08-08, 22:15
but i dont understand..... 75 is still absolutly average!!!! 45 is nice and low.... but the human heart rate is averaged at 72 bpm! SO what you worrying about hun! xxx ur fine!.... fantastic in fact.... ur heart rate changes from day to day... min to min..... after meals mine can go upto 120...WITH A PANIC ATTACK ABOUT 220!! But my resting rate is between 58~90 but i also suffer with ectopics heartbeats...not nice xxxx

30-08-08, 22:56
Heart rate is the number of heart beats per unit of time, usually expressed as beats per minute.
When resting, the average adult human (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human) heart beats at about 70 bpm (males) and 75 bpm (females); however, this rate varies among people and can be significantly lower in endurance athletes. The infant/neonatal rate of heartbeat is around 130-150 bpm, the toddler's about 100–130 bpm, the older child's about 90–110 bpm, and the adult's about 80–100 bpm. 75 beats per minute translates to 4500 beats an hour, 108,000 beats per day, or about 39,420,000 beats in a year.

31-08-08, 00:08
Hi Sweetie

I am on Lustral, my heart rate is 111 beats per minute just walking to the next machine, i thought i was having a heart attack but its just the tablets.

31-08-08, 05:15
Not to worry :) It is normal for your resting heart rate to change often. Mine sometimes gets so slow and other times it is fast. I have worn a heart monitor several times and it shows your heart rate which is very annoying. But truly, don't worry - this is normal. And good for you for exercising- I never do more than walking as I am so worried about my heart (for no good reason!).

31-08-08, 10:11
My resting BPM is around 58, but in the gym I can hit around 170 (I am 41).

75 is pretty average so I would try not to worry. Remember, the heart is a muscle so elavating it's workrate makes it stronger.

