View Full Version : Food poisoning?

Malton Seadog
30-08-08, 08:35
I think I may have mild food poisoning.

Since yesterday lunch time when I had a tuna sandwich, I've only eaten half a pizza and half a bowl of cereal.

I am shaking uncontrollably and I have a constant feeling of nausea.

Could this be due to some mild food poisoning?

I've had anxiety for months and never lost my appetite, so I think it may be something away from anxiety for once, which is actually quite a relief.

Either that or a mild fever?

30-08-08, 14:08

i think your right it could be mild food poisoning ,i have been the same all night .
i took my little girl to a soft play place yesterday and the chicken we had was raw i had eaten a small bit then seen it was not cooked and took it back ,last night i was just how you have been feeling but i was sick and running to the loo ,thankfully i do feel better today but a bit tired and washed out.
hope you are feeling better now

jodie xx