View Full Version : Depression: How do you know?

Malton Seadog
30-08-08, 08:53
Now I'm pretty confident that I'm not depressed.

I've got anxiety and it's been really bad lately, and yes I've been getting wound up by it and frustrated by it, but never upset by it.

I never feel weepy and I always try and look on the bright side of things.

Whenever I'm at home on my own, I always make sure I walk into town and socialise with other people, even if I don't speak to them.

My sleep has been disturbed recently, but only whilst I've been home alone. This has heightened my anxiety but I'm just about coping.

Am I depressed? How do I know?

30-08-08, 11:46
Hi Malton

you dont sound depressed (but what do i know) but it does sound as though you are trying hard to keep on top of things bless you, They do say one of the first signs of depression is waking throughout the night but if this only happens when you are alone then perhaps it's just the anxiety of being alone.

in my opinion i think your doing fine, so please don't think about being depressed or not just enjoy the things you can do.


30-08-08, 11:54
Hi I wouldn't say you weren't depressed either! I suppose because anxiety and depression so often go hand in hand it is always easy to link the two. I would try to think about how you feel when your anxiety is reduced. Do you feel low, flat, can't be bothered?At a push you may be mildly depressed but majorly depressed...nah! I only say this because I have been hospitalised with clinical depression before lol Big time depression for me has been like falling down a long dark shaft with walls made of glass, no hand or foot holds to pull yourself up and out. Just a crippled leaden sense of being weighted down physically, mentally and emotionally. I couldn't function as you describe yourself socialising and going out.
In short if I compare my personal experience to what you describe in your post (remembering I'm not a doctor) you aren't depressed but anxious!

Hope this helps

Pooh x

30-08-08, 13:14
here is a link to a site that may be of help. It provides a checklist of symptoms.



30-08-08, 13:15
Anything that diminishes your feeling of 'well-being' will cause some mood change, but whether it is depression I'm not sure. I guess when you start to think in a negative way or have a negative outlook then you could say you are depressed.


31-08-08, 00:12
Hi Malton:)

You don't seem depressed to me. In fact, it sounds as though you are managing to do all the right things by going out and mixing with others. How do you socialise with other people without talking to them though? Please tell, because I need a few tips.:winks:

As long as you don't become so anxious that you can't go out and try not to worry overly about a few disturbed nights, I think you'll be fine.:yesyes:

Take care mate and all the best