View Full Version : How many times do you think you are going to die from a serious diasease in 1 week?

30-08-08, 09:26
How many times do you think that you have a serious disease and you are going to die? How many times do you think about that in 1 week?

30-08-08, 10:31
all the time right now I feel like crying and this has been going on for a week I feel so tired from this I wake up in the morning and its the first thing on my mind I hate it.

30-08-08, 11:30
All day , every single day :(

30-08-08, 14:11
Snap, hunny. It's very tiring.

Same avatar, too :D

30-08-08, 16:37
I feel like this a lot, first thing I think of in the morning and last thing before I go to sleep god knows how many times in between, its horrible, it drains me, its affecting my work , marriage and everything, I think its called morbid thoughts and it is a symptom of depression/anxiety.

Although I would not wish these feelings on my worst enemy it is reassuring to know that I am not alone with this, and there are plenty of other people whom feel the same way,

I wish I had a magic wand to make it disappear.

Love and hugs to everyone.


30-08-08, 18:54
Hi Callisto

Great minds huh?or maybe not.......lol ;)

01-09-08, 14:35
When I have phsyical symptoms its cancer or if I can't sleep I have CJD fear....Whatever I have its always terminal...I have never been seriously ill but everytime I always think, this time this is it I am going to die.

02-09-08, 08:55
I think most days im terminally ill it drives me crazy.
I do go through good spells where its only a fleeting thought.
Unfortunatly im in a bad spell at the moment

02-09-08, 21:27
It varies alot for me, i can go months without thinking about it.
then i can spend the next couple of months constantly thinking about it.

03-09-08, 00:16
I think about it most nights when im trying to sleep. Im smoker and im laying there thinking why do i smoke. Silly really. Then i think maybe im here to suffer and will live forever lol.

03-09-08, 01:09
im finding it really tough at the moment because tis even waking me up during the night now.Im waking up in a state of panic over fear of dying.Its such a sorry state of affairs whe you go to bed and you kiss your wife for what feels like the last time as i do,every single night i think im gonna die in my sleep thats without the usual during the day stuff that i have.Its so draining living in fear.I wish i could beat this damn thing,im a grown man of 30 and at this moment in time honest to god i could cry like a baby.Im putting my poor wife through hell she has supported me in every way she can,but it must be tough on her.
I only hope that one day i can find a way to stop living my life like death is just around the corner,i want to live my life and thats not asking for much !

04-09-08, 12:46
Yeah I think about it every day - especially when I feel pain or just feel strange, which is pretty much all the time. I also have these thoughts when I hear of others who have died at an early age - sort of the me next thing.
Its horrid and I also just want to get on with the living and give my family a break.

04-09-08, 20:01
most days, its sad to see that on the poll the majority of us fear this thing every single day,
it doesnt seem fair, im a good person and i know not very nice people that dont have a care in the world, tut.
im so glad i found this site, i always thought i was alone!

05-09-08, 07:49
i get the same thoughts its so draining i wish to that they would just dissapear from morning till night they are there if i hear that someone has died that sends me into a panick what i sometimes cant function with my day to day life and the feelings of unreality they freak me out at least we have each other no one else understands :hugs:

07-09-08, 21:34
well 4 people in my friends n family have died in the past 2 months n my uncle has been now told he has weeks and i jus cant help but think its not a phase, its jus going to carry on, wot if im nxt?? i worry rididculously that somethin is gonna happen 2 me or my son, its exhaustin, physically and mentally... wen ur bodys tired u go 2 bed but wen ur mind is tired n needs rest, with this awful illness its never time for bed, its constant .. even in my sleep my fears r there, canrt remember the last time i dint wake up sweatin with a nightmare.. its hard 2 face that this is now my liufe n until its over im jus gna worry that it may be over too soon with a nasty disease.. its scarey!!

sarah peacock
08-09-08, 11:02
i'm always worrying about dying. it's terrifying. and its driving me mad!

08-09-08, 12:24
For the past 20 odd years i have gone throught this - i got so afraid of being told it was a stupid thought - i now just sit on my own telling the family i am workink on my computer.
In reality i sit reading these pages hoping that i will be OK - just trying not to think at all

08-09-08, 13:23
im the same , had bad weekend , with anxiety ,always thinking the worst ...
have flem in mouth most mornings but today quite soar and had a little green stuff , anyone els get morning flem ..as the doc called it said a while back all to do with my anx ...worried something bad ... but the more i think about it the more i swallow and the soar it gets ....

08-09-08, 13:48
have you tried 'steam inhilation' a DROP of eucalyptus oil in hot water and a towel over your head breathe in the vapour for a couple of minuted each day - it might help.
anxiety is bad throws you all sorts of horrors - your doc should give you something better for the 'flem' - good luck!!!

09-09-08, 13:57
Since my mum passed away out of the blue last August....and the fact I have panic attacks as well...I think I have something seriously wrong me all the time. My eyes have been watering for over a month (I have no allergies or hayfever), so I have convinced myself I have glaucoma (runs in the family) and I will need an op, I had a smear last week, I was 2 years overdue, so I am convinced that I will be called back, I smoke so think it will be my just desserts if I get cancer....I even tell my fiancee all the time that everything is in order if anything happens to me...poor thing...he has had to get used to my mood swings and fear of death over the past year or so. Losing my mum out of the blue like that just made me realise that we don't know whats going to happen so I suppose I am trying to prepare myself for the worst! My friend's husband died right in front of her at Christmas, he was only 42 as well. I hate feeling like this.

09-09-08, 14:18
heavenly, i really can understand how awful you feel ( many traumas in your life).It is so hard to beleive that things are OK in our lives when we are so fearful of everything.
Friends and partners really do not understand, no matter how good they are, Unless they have ever had a panic attack themselves, it must be agony for them to watch us suffer.
I hope your smear test is OK.
Best wishes

09-09-08, 14:31
heavenly, i really can understand how awful you feel ( many traumas in your life).It is so hard to beleive that things are OK in our lives when we are so fearful of everything.
Friends and partners really do not understand, no matter how good they are, Unless they have ever had a panic attack themselves, it must be agony for them to watch us suffer.
I hope your smear test is OK.
Best wishes

Thanks June. My partner has been an absolute rock, I haven't worked for over a year and he has been keeping a roof over our heads, but it must be really hard for him, he's never suffered from depression or had anxiety attacks so its really hard to explain to someone, isn't it..its so irrational most of the time as well. But he doesn't judge me or make me feel bad about it, which is the most important thing. I really want to get better, first of all for me, but then for him and my family, we went through enough pain last year, I don't want to be a burden.

09-09-08, 19:34
So far this week I have had a "stroke" [just a sinus headache, gone now], plus a heart attack [this more frightening than the "stroke" ] last night as I had pressure and prickly feelings in my chest, which sent me scurrying off to see the doc this morning. I am now worried about tonight. I haven't had this symptom for a long, long time, and it is the one I most fear. No palpitations with it, but I only had about 2 hours sleep, so I feel bad. Somebody cheer me up and tell me they get these feelings of heavy pressure like someone sitting on your chest, and also prickly sensations in different parts of the chest.

10-09-08, 08:47
think about it all the time, its worse when its night time. sometimes i get so sick of it i yell "stop freaking out" outloud to myself. other times i feel like crying.

11-09-08, 14:37
if the prickly feeling can also be described as "lemonade" fizzing in your chest.
Then it is probably adrenalin which is the biggest problem for us it causes soooooooo many sensations.
If you doc has checked you over the chest poblem could be over breathing
Best wishes

16-09-08, 03:23
David, it's crazy but my thoughts are the same. Everyday I say I'm going to quit and it never happens. I thought I was the only one who thought about this and really I only think about it at night and some nights I am just fine buts others I stay up an dwell on it all night long.

16-09-08, 16:07
I don't think about it. We are all going to die one day whether it be from old age, illness an accident or even by the hand of someone else. Why spend your life worrying about dying, what sort of life is that?

17-09-08, 15:49
I think i will die or am going to die soon, every day one way or another. Quite funny really, because if any one close to me was thinking this of them selves i would have the wisdom and good advice to make them see how this is so not true, Shame we cant convince ourselves or take are own sensible advice eh !

24-09-08, 12:22
If suppose I am thinking that what the circumstance I am going through, I may die very soon.......... then what is the remedy......... can any one suggest me........

28-09-08, 10:26
i get that constantly its awful, so draining thinking something horrible is going to happen to you all the time, sometimes i get up on a morning and feel this horrible feeling that something bad is going to happen i.e dying etc.

Its weird though dont know if this affects any of you but ive got into this cycle that i believe if i dont think about it, it will happen - i think if i believe it then im ready for it and at least ill be prepared (stupid heh).

It's like a constant battle everyday.

28-09-08, 11:17
Hi guys, I have been dealing with this since i was convinced the skin cancer i had on the back of my hand had spread to my stomach and pancreas. Even after the biopsy said it hadn't. Suffered from gassy, gurgling feelings and slight bloating for weeks. Went for the camera down my throat and got the all clear. Symptoms persisted and 3 months later went for a camera up/down both ends.. Still panicing as i thought I had bowel cancer then. Again got the all clear from the cancer but they found i was lactose intolerant. Not sure if that is the case as all these problems only started after stressing about the skin cancer spreading. And i have always loved milk etc all my life. Just in the last week I have been getting little, very quick muscle twinges everywhere. Feet, calfes, thighes, back, both arms and a little persistent one in my left pointy finger. So silly me is thinking MND or ALS. AARRGGHH ANd I'm also feeling a little week this week after having a touch of the flu, which is making think other things. WE have to be strong and recognise this for what it is. NMP helps me a lot. Thanks guys

28-09-08, 11:54
this is a major problem.
once we get a little twinge = our mind starts to imagine the worst.
unfortunately for us we never think positively = it just seems an impossible task.
Hope you are feeling better now.
best wishes

29-09-08, 09:12
you hit the nail on the head, IT IS A BATTLE

29-09-08, 13:49
I don't think about it. We are all going to die one day whether it be from old age, illness an accident or even by the hand of someone else. Why spend your life worrying about dying, what sort of life is that?

Trixie - I do understand that I will die someday and strange as it may seem that part does not worry me.

What does worry me is the instant panic and the feeling that i am dying now, this instant - and it will be all my fault because there is something i did not do. Therefore it will be my fault that I have died and I will be in awful trouble for dying and upsetting my family.
I have no idea from who or what what trouble its just sheer terror.
Once that panic is over I might not think about death at all - until the next attack hits me.
I hope this helps you and others to understand our fear of death.

29-09-08, 14:14
oooo June I can so relate to this, how do you make it stop, I am having CBT and it appears to be working, but this is my last hurdle.

Its horrible isn't it, I feel as if the anxiety is a little monster that demands to be heard all the time and when we beat one of his methods he is dead sly and hits us with another fear


29-09-08, 14:33
Sorry Heather I have no answers for you.
My CBT therapist said "i should think about something else" :ohmy:
I also have a (sort) of fear of choosing the wrong thing to do = wrong clothes, wrong shoes, wrong hair do etc all with that same fear of "being at fault"
The therapist then asked "what makes you so special that people would care what you wore?
When I am calm (ha ha) I do know what she meant BUT at the time it was dreadful.
she was quite aggressive and the interviews never followed on each week.
It was as if she was talking to someone else, she would "oh I thought you said......" not me i would answer.
Bit of a ramble :blush:
I hope you continue to do well with your CBT.:hugs:
They are all so different in their approach.
best wishes

anx mum
03-11-08, 15:20
Hi im Bev yeah i think about it everyday its horrible cant seem to think about anythink else

Natural Mystic
06-11-08, 10:59
I've been suffering with the devil (this anxiety) since January, after a skin cancer diagnosis (they say they got it all but I'm being monitored).

At first I thought I was dying of everything, I refused to believe that anxiety was/is all it was/is. However of late I think I've accepted that it is all it is, anxiety.

Hopefully this is a step forward?

08-11-08, 15:27
hi beano here, i thought i was the only one that felt this way. The biggiest thing with me is i think that i will die from a brain tumor. The slightist pain in my head sets me off. The times this as happened and i've sat on the sofa waiting for my final breath. I've got to the point now though its driving me up the wall. Glad to know that i'm not the only one out there. THANX !!!!!!!!

08-11-08, 18:44
Well at the moment. I think I have bowl cancer, cancer under my arm pit as I found a little lump under there last night. And i think I have some thing wrong with my heart :weep:

08-11-08, 23:46
Aww Leeann, sounds like you are having a crummy time with that pesky anxiety.


I hope you feel better soon. Anxiety can present itself in many ways, and can manipulate our minds to think in negative ways too . Right now I am having trouble breathing as I'm worried about an essay I have to write, and it is not unusual for me to think I have heart problems as well.

You can pull through this, it may take time, but we are here to help :)

(oh I also get lumps under my armpits too, I think it is due to ingrowing hairs as a result of shaving - lovely!)

09-11-08, 16:16
Well at the moment. I think I have bowl cancer, cancer under my arm pit as I found a little lump under there last night. And i think I have some thing wrong with my heart :weep:
That's what I feel I have at the minute after losing some mucus.:weep: It's horrible feeling this way isn't it.:weep: I never used to worry like this last few months or so I'm doing it constantly.:weep:

09-11-08, 17:48
Hiya swirledpeacat. I hope you are ok and the essay is coming along and that your breathing becomes more easier :hugs:

jAN63 I complete understand how you feel. I suffer with IBS and some times find mucus in my stools (TMI SORRY) :blush: Its horrible you start thinking the worse. Hope your ok :hugs:

Twin Galaxies
10-11-08, 02:10
hi all i get these thoughts and feejing also everyday, i have a storng fear of Sd (Sudden death) and dont know why even tho iv have tests on my heart

10-11-08, 03:06
I think about death probably daily but not in a scared way, more in a comforting way in that I'd be free of depression and emotional pain and finally at peace.


21-11-08, 20:39
What a good poll. Im a bad one for this, every symptom, everyday is going to kill me!!

Forever Anxious
21-11-08, 22:12
All the time sweetie..all the time..I hate it. i really do.
All the strength to you. I am grateful for this sight.

22-11-08, 14:53
I was really worried about my oldest Siamese this week:weep: but my daughter said he was no different than he always was.:shrug:

I think I see an illness in him all the time.:scared15:

22-11-08, 22:32
Although I hate to see so many living with this pain (both physical and psychological), it gives me some comfort to know that I'm not alone and maybe that I'm not so 'abnormal'. Here's to hoping things get much better for all of us, :)

23-11-08, 04:09
i used to think about it on and off all the time it was never so serious, but now days, i just cant stop thinking about it, i hope its just the winter blues.

06-12-08, 02:08
is this a separate form of anxiety is there any help available 4 it?x

07-12-08, 22:19
all day :(

12-12-08, 02:11
I think like this all day, every day. I had minor cervical surgery done exactly 2 weeks ago today. Last night i started to bleed, and immediately i thought i was dying. I am still worried i am dying. I called the doctor twice today, and i got a perscription.And of course i have a major phobia of taking medications! The doctor didnt actually check me, or do any tests, so i immediately think that he may be wrong to give me the medication, and i haven't started taking it yet. So i'm also worried about not taking it :S

13-12-08, 12:28
As June said, I'm not scared of dying eventually its more of getting some illness that I will die from especially some degenerative disease such as MND or MS where you will just progressively get worse.

On some occassions however I have felt that "this is the end" and sort of accepted that I am about to die. A kind of tranquility comes over me. But of course I don't die!

I guess ultimately I am most scared of feeling like this for the rest of my life and never again being carefree (health wise!)

13-12-08, 13:21
In my Humble opinion I think -
- we have so many different pains in our heads
shooting pains / sharp pains / dull aches/ stabbing pains = they frighten the "life" out of us BUT the only answer we get it "IT IS ONLY YOUR STRESS"
i have said it before and i will keep on saying that "just stress" is not a good enough answer!!!!! something physical caused that pain that is why it hurt!!!!!
Give me that answer and then i may be able to deal with it.
The same goes for all the other aches and pains
don't fob me off with stress it makes me more stressed!!!!!

18-12-08, 13:24
I rarely think about it, death just doesn't bother me at all. There has only been one time in my life that I thought I might die from a disease, that's when I had a small tumour in my chest. But it was benign, I got it removed and moved on.

Boos Mum
25-12-08, 20:52
I have CJD fear....

It is a scary thing isn't

i'm always worrying about dying. it's terrifying. and its driving me mad!


26-12-08, 08:04
Thank you guys for your answers...
I have severe anxiety and I have been struggling with panic attacks for 7 years...
It is horrible.... I believe what made me fearful about death was working in a hospital setting and seeing a lot of people dying in front of me...
Every pain I feel makes me think that I am dying ...
I pray for this fear go away so I can live my life without it.:sofa:

26-12-08, 11:36
Just a thought on this scary problem.

Maybe when we go to the doctor or other prfessional with a "head pain"
(not a headache)
IF they said that "the pain was caused by all the tension stored in our muscles during this stressfull time, and tensing this neck?? and / or this shoulder?? muscle was the cause - AND it is not a life threatning pain"

We might feel more reasured than being told "it is only stress" "you must relax".
I think most of need this reasurance, i know I do>
Best wishes

26-12-08, 21:28
every hour of every day :weep:

26-12-08, 21:37
I think about it, at least once a day. Its all part of the HA, unfortunately, people who dont suffer with it, in general, dont understand


28-12-08, 00:37
Some days, it's every second, Others i think about it maybe once or twice...but i have learnt to catch myself doing this and quickly put my mind to something else (usually make a cup of tea, or put some music on).

I have bad days where i am in so much pain i just know i am dying though...Of course, i always wake up the next day, but still.

09-04-09, 21:27
all the time at the minute ...i fear i will get/have cancer and die leaving my 3 beautiful children.........it tears me up 2 b honest, i have had 2 good years now its back i want it 2 go away but 2 be honest i think we will have the times where we are ok..but it could always come back...as it has with me...it seems 2 lurk about waiting 2 pounch at a moment when you are low....its the devil health anxiety its really is.........

09-04-09, 22:07
I think im going to die every incle minute of everyday!! I hate it!!
I have HA because im so scared of death for some reason!

I think im crazy :shrug:

Its supposed to be a very common thing with us guys though...

I thank god there is a website like this!!

Love me


Im getting chest pains right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-04-09, 00:48
The past month or so my HA has been quite bad. during that time i have gone from heart attacks (again), angina, lung problem, breast cancer! thought of dying everday! This week i seem to have settled down hopefully shut death out for the weekend

22-04-09, 18:35
Every single day with this anxiety thing.

05-05-09, 19:22
Every single day. :doh:

This weeks ailments have been (please bear in mind it is only Tuesday...): breast, lung, throat and tongue cancer and heart disease (this is due to palpitations and missed (?) beats), which of course is the beginnings of a heart attack. The fear is very real and there is not a day goes by when I don't have something terminal wrong with me.

Surprize, surprize I am absolutely exhausted (oh no, what can that a symptom of :ohmy: !!!) and think and read about death constantly; I am so sorry that so many people feel the same, but so glad I am not alone :hugs:

05-05-09, 23:50
I'm afraid of going to die in the near future every day, as I am obsessed with cancer...every lump is cancer and scares me...I only really get to relax when im to busy to think hehe...

06-05-09, 23:16
I think about it at least once everyday, because I have weird pain almost every day.

When my ear or neck or head hurts....I think stroke even though I have had 2 CT scans and an MRI (all normal)

When I have muscle spasms or twitching...I think I have a neuro problem.

I am obsessed with passing out/blacking out/stroke/heart failure. When I get dizzy because of my ear problem...I think I am going black out and die. I hate it.

09-05-09, 21:41
I think about it every day too. This week I have had breast cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer leukamia and now I am wondering cervical cancer even though I have just had normal smear results back.

Today I managed to get myself out for a jog which not done for ages and use to love this. However was out for 5 mins and started to hail and pour it down so had to sprint back to my car. Tonight I have a severe pain in my left shoulder and back and my little sensible mind is saying it is prob a pulled muscle as did not warm up and was so cold however the big anxious mind is shouting over this sensible one saying ' serious ' this must be 'serious!!!' arghhhhhhhh!

I am also trying to enjoy one glass of wine but taking tablets for IBS and thinking something bad will happen inside my body if I drink this wine. My boyfriend is trying to tell me that doc would have said to not drink if would be a problem!

sorry for going on but I am doing my own head in never mind my boyfriends!

11-05-09, 16:54
i lol'ed at the title of this thread. i think most people here should really answer "once" as in - continuously. :whistles:

11-05-09, 22:51
Sometimes, esp when it's that time of the month I get severe anxiety. I think I have every illness I think I'm going to die of some crazy disease. Then on a regular bases I get minor anxiety attacks when I transition from place to place or go to a new place. What I found helps alot is BREATHING...I take deep breaths and it calms me down, or I call somebody. Sometimes without even realizing I am having anxiety I will get very very faint tingly feeling on my cheeks right under my eyes.. Weird huh?? I WANT TO KNOW WHY! Crazy. Anyone else want to share?:shades:

03-06-09, 21:26
Why is there no "more than every single day" option?

03-06-09, 21:36
How many times do you think that you have a serious disease and you are going to die? How many times do you think about that in 1 week?

everyday for like the past 6 months its crazy ..i feel like I'm going crazy ..you know i cant seem to understand why people with HA like myself obsess over bad things etc why cant we switch and obsess over happy things i wish that were the case but yes i think I'm gonna die from something horrible EVERYDAY for the last month it has been a brain tumor or something like that because of my daily headaches....its unbelievable i don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted!!!! :weep:

03-06-09, 22:22
Ive thought this ever since i first felt dizzy, light headed and had palpitations. What a way to live. This was two years ago, im 22 and the symptoms have got much worse.
I was going to say that im glad im not the only one, but im not glad. Nobody deserves to feel like this and i would never wish it upon anybody, but what i do wish is that others without these constant, depressing, worrying, and sometimes hopeful thoughts would just take the tme to understand how bad it can make you feel and accept it as a VERY valid reason that you spend every day, unintentionally and uncontrollably miserable, nervous and just generally fed up with your life.

03-06-09, 23:53
hi beano here, i thought i was the only one that felt this way. The biggiest thing with me is i think that i will die from a brain tumor. The slightist pain in my head sets me off. The times this as happened and i've sat on the sofa waiting for my final breath. I've got to the point now though its driving me up the wall. Glad to know that i'm not the only one out there. THANX !!!!!!!!

hey beano i have the same exact fear that im dying from a brain tumor its always something to do with my head ...i think because instead of chest pain numbness in my limbs etc i get alot of my symptoms in my head like headaches,zaps,sensitive spots on my scalp and hot and cold tingles its tourture i am so emotionally and physically drained i just wanna rip my head off....i feel like im being punished for something i just wanna feel better and i want everyone that has to deal with issues of anxiety to feel better

05-06-09, 21:54
now after a small dose of medication its much better but still once in two weeks (instead of daily!). my new favorite is mad cows disease :blush:
today after hitting my head its brain hemorrhage.

magpie girl
05-06-09, 22:09
I live with it eveyday,my mum died aged 32, so i have a fear of dying young

10-06-09, 19:57
for me its cancer ,any type, when i had pains in my head it was a brain turmor , it drives me into tears 3 doc,s have said i do not have cancer of any sort but i don,t beleave them i suffer in pain which in all my head but not a turmor

12-06-09, 01:13
All though i voted "what" on this poll,
reasons bieng, due to my medication or just not caring anymore, i really dont care, when my time's up it is up,
I never used to feel like this, i hate it, but sometimes when i am flying, or in a car, i think" well if it happens it happens, and there's nothing my clever mind can do about it" , all this PC bull s**t, and crap on the net, as well as living with somebody you dont know if you love, and bieng lazy don't help!...


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01-07-09, 01:18
I definitely have "flare ups" of this, as someone else said, I can go months if not years without a concern in the world, then suddenly I bounce from one health panic to another, like I have been doing for the last 2 months!
Makes me wonder why it works like that..

13-07-09, 23:26
all the time!!!!! maybe i need something more important to worry about lol. a funny story though, last week i ate a quarter of a watermelon and then i obsessed for 2.5 hrs researching how much watermelon you can eat and whether i had had too much water that day and was i going to die??? crazy thoughts but after you have calmed down its easy to laugh about it. my main fear is that i will stop breathing or that i will have an asthma attack or get so depressed that ill become suicidal. all what ifs!!!!!

worrying about non existing things, honestly i cannot wait to snap out of this!


18-07-09, 12:04
I think about it almost all day........everyday its crippling me.

20-07-09, 06:56
I think about it almost all day........everyday its crippling me.
I have a heart attack fear and worry about dying daily. I also have a throat cancer fear which still haunts me daily. I lose my voice often which reinforces this belief. I wish i could lose these fears and just go on to live my life normally but I can seem to just let go. My chest hurts all the time and I feel pain and pressure 24/7 and also many heart palpitations daily which drive me insane.

25-07-09, 23:51
I don't think about it. We are all going to die one day whether it be from old age, illness an accident or even by the hand of someone else. Why spend your life worrying about dying, what sort of life is that?

if only it was that easy

07-08-09, 13:51
like everyone else on here ,,im the same,,,at the moment i have swine flu,,ive had it ten days ,,but still each day im waiting for it to carry me off,,,,ive had every kind of illness in my head,,,i cant watch any hospital programmes,,makes me a nervous wreck,,yet when i was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago,,instead of falling apart,,i took it all in my stride,,i stayed very calm,,even at the thought i might die,,but as the years have passed and im still here,,ive gone back to my old panicky way again,,somethings never change lol

07-08-09, 22:20
quite often the past two months... its been intense.

10-08-09, 15:18
When I get a cold, have a pain/ache, find a lump - pretty often, if im not worrying about me its about my son, husband, mum, dad ,sisters etc....:wacko:

10-08-09, 16:22
So far over the past 4 days I have had a heart attack, throat cancer, a stroke, a DVT, a migraine and a major panic attack ----- other than that I am pretty well but seriously confused in my thinking.

17-08-09, 14:10
I experience intense fear of death when I have extreme anxiety days, weeks...
or when my depression kicks of due to anxiety or domestic issues.

But i have never ever been scared of death before i developed GAD.

20-08-09, 02:02
Ughhh I constantly think about dieing and heart attacks and what not. Its driving me crazy and takin over my whole life.....wish I could just flip a switch and it would all go away:emot-fail:

20-08-09, 19:26
I'm right there with you....my stomach hurts, I have stomach cancer - can't go to the bathroom - I have colon cancer, headache - I have a brain tumor...etc....I hate these feelings!!

sarah jayne
22-09-09, 09:42
Theres not a day goes by when i dont worry about dying. Im constantly scared and it doesnt help that i always seem to be ill....

22-09-09, 10:00
I am so pleased Ive just found this discussion. I am terrible for thinking there is something more sinister wrong with me. I have always ALWAYS suffered with nose bleeds really badly since I was a small child. The other day I had 2 in one day and the thoughts that I was having just seem ridiculous now! When Ive had nosebleeds in the past Ivbe never worried about them, but now since my anxiety has got worse, I panic soo much!

Anyway its soooo nice to know that Im not the only one with these worries. This website has been a great help so far.

25-09-09, 01:30
Do other people have what they think is "intuition" and that they are absolutely positive this is the symptom that will kill them? (The symptom being whatever they are afraid of at that moment.) I do, and am just wondering how many people have felt ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN this was it, and then were wrong.