View Full Version : Existing instead of living

30-08-08, 12:07
Hi all,not been on in a while,hate posting new threads as I feel like i'm constantly moaning.I feel like I'm just existing and not living,does anyone else feel the same?I am trying to do everything my anxiety nurse is telling me to do,but still worry and panic 24/7,about things from the past which affect me badly,now constantly worrying/panicking about the present- and i'm even worrying about the future,bad things that could happen.My physical symptoms seem to be happening 24/7 too-will it go away?Stopping me from even doing the most normal of things-like step out front door.Like a vicious circle.I feel bit let down by anxiety management-I really wanted to be at a group amongst people with similar anxieties,to be told the service is no longer available.Instead I get one to one per fortnight,and get given sheets to read,so still feel alone.I want it to get better as I am on my own with my son,so try my hardest to be energetic and cheery for him,want him to have a good life-but I worry constantly about him too.Sorry for moaning ,even my wee icons aren't even working on here.Take care all xx

30-08-08, 13:06
Hi Smile
I feel like I wrote this thread myself. This is how I feel everyday and I dont feel like I have a life and I am on constant stanby to have a panic attack. I go to see a counsellor once every week and we talk about what has happend in my past. I lost my mam when I was 21 and she was only 41 so now I have it in my head that I am going to die at a young age. Then last September my grandad died suddenly who I lived with and took care of and so now that seems to have confirmed that I am going to die young and suddenly because if it has happend to my mam then it must be in our genes I know it's not like that but this is my constant thought everyday and night. I know how it feels to feel like your moaning constantly but this is an illness and we have to live with everyday I think your great to look after you son on your own and I am sure you do a wonderful job I know because my mam brought me up alone it must be very hard but just remember you are doing and your living for your son and he is the most important thing. Also just think that is takes alot to come on a site like this and talk about how you feel that is hard by itself so you should be proud that you are on here and you are out there getting help and your not giving in so I just want to say WELL DONE for that.

If you ever want to chat feel free to email me anytime day or night and I am always here.

take care Becky xxx

30-08-08, 13:09
I have been feeling pretty low lately. It does feel just like exsisting instead of actually living. Just letting you know you are not alone.
Take care,

30-08-08, 13:41

i am just the same from time to time feel like i am not doing the things i had planned to do or have wanted to do all because of this dam anx .
as as for thinking far ahead i do the same i think of all the bad things that can happen sometimes some really scary things like how long will i live what will i get ,cancer is one of the things i worry about like every day ,this i guess is all due to our anx so it is about learning how to stop the thoughts but that is i think the hardest bit
hope you find a way to start living your life keep up with getting all the help you need and in time i guess we will all get there(i hope)
jodie xx:hugs:

30-08-08, 14:08
Thank you all for your kind words,had me in tears ,I hope I can be here for any of you too ,take care all xxxx

30-08-08, 16:43
Take care Smile, we all get dead low from time to time, you are not moaning, we all need to vent our feelings now and again.

Lots of Love


31-08-08, 03:47

I have been feeling quite down too lately. I have decided i have wasted the past 10 years of my life. I have suffered from anxiety for about 5 years now, but prior to that i had 'incidents' which i didnt know at the time was anxiety-related which prevented me from doing the things i wanted to do all my life.

Anyway, not sure if i'm on the right track with this reply! however, i can relate to just living to exist and all that. Totally true about me right now.
